The black pine in the profile

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Systematics and appearance

We encounter a black pine more and more frequently in parks, in cemeteries or in large gardens. There the imposing conifer stands out as a solitaire or in a group. These characteristics distinguish the tree:

  • Belongs to the pine family (Pinaceae)
  • Name of the species: Black pine (Pinus nigra), more rarely black pine
  • Height in culture: 20 to 40 meters
  • Two-needle tree with straight growth and a broad, spreading crown
  • Deep-rooting native to southern Europe
  • Green-yellow male and carmine female cones
  • Winter hardy and extremely drought tolerant

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The pine species owes its name to the black colored cone scales, which serve as a clear distinguishing feature from other pine plants.

Tips on location and care

The black pine will make a lot of talk in the future, because hardly any other tree turns out to be so easy to care for. In addition, environmental pollution of a Pinus nigra is of little concern, so that the tree is gaining relevance for inner-city planting. The following overview summarizes what to look out for when choosing a location and maintaining it:

  • Sunny, preferably full sun location
  • Thrives in any normal, deep garden soil
  • Only water if there is prolonged drought in summer and winter
  • No fertilization required outdoors
  • Apply liquid fertilizer in the bucket every 4 weeks from April to August

In order to regulate the growth in size and to create a dense habit, you can use the black pine once a year trimming. In the period from mid-May to mid-June, shorten the fresh shoots - called candles - by half. Ideally, the needles are still in contact at this point. At the same time, thin out the crown thoroughly.


you growth A black pine usually has completed at the age of 150 years with a height of 40 meters. At this time, a Pinus nigra is of course still in its teenage years. In the ideal location in the mild Mediterranean climate, an age of 600 to 800 years is not uncommon.