Where, how and when?

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In which location do cacti want to be?

The vast majority of popular cacti are native to the sun-drenched, hot steppes and dry deserts of South and Central America. So choose the Location according to the following criteria:

  • Sunny, warm window seat with shade in the blazing midday sun in summer
  • Ideally from May to September on the sunny balcony under a rain cover
  • From November to February in a bright, cool location with 5 to 12 degrees Celsius

also read

  • Planting cacti in sand - this is how it works
  • Are cacti allowed in the bedroom?
  • Professional repotting of cacti - how to do it right

Only leaf cacti, like that Christmas cactus, are satisfied with a partially shaded location.

Which substrate is best suited?

Please only use special cactus or succulent substrates from specialist dealers. Do you want these Earth mix yourself, we recommend a mix of 40 to 60 percent humus and 40 to 60 percent mineral components, such as pumice, Lava granules(€ 14.00 at Amazon *) or Expanded clay.(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) Commercially available Potting soil is completely unsuitable for cacti.

What should you watch out for in a planting?

Cacti from the garden center or supermarket are rarely in the right substrate and suitable pot. By properly planting the plants immediately after purchase, you give your new roommates a warm welcome. How to do it right:

  • Put on thorn-proof gloves
  • Pot the cactus and remove the substrate with a root claw or wooden stick
  • Pour a thin layer of expanded clay into the new pot as drainage
  • Above that the mineral-humic Cactus soil fill in

Plant the cactus as deep as it was in its previous pot. After 8 to 10 days of regeneration to water The plant with lime-free water. If the cactus is budding and about to bloom, please wait before watering. Only when the buds are about to develop will they be watered.

How do cacti reproduce?

There are several options available to you to propagate cacti:

  • Offshoot
  • Kindel
  • Cuttings

If you already have a wealth of horticultural experience and a long patience, this is for you sowing of seeds as a further possibility for offspring.

Repotting cacti - when is the best time?

Since cacti grow only slowly, changing to fresh soil and a larger pot is only on the program every 2 to 5 years. The best time is between March and May, when the plants have finished their hibernation. At this time the substrate is still dry, so the work is easy.


A multitude of splendid ones Cactus species, such as Opuntia or Echinocereus hardy and can be planted in the bed. The succulents feel in good hands in the sunny, rain-protected location. Plant the reinforced exotic species in spring in a poor, coarse-grained, sandy-dry soil in which mineral components dominate.