When, how and where?

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The right time to sow

Many of the biennial summer flowers, including the Cloves are typically sown between June and early September. The young plants do not bloom until their second year, and an earlier one sowing - around early spring - nothing changes. If sown early, the young carnation will only develop a rosette of leaves, but not yet any flowers. On the other hand, you should refrain from sowing in late autumn, as the plants no longer have time for their necessary development until the onset of winter.

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Sow cloves directly

Sowing cloves is a very simple matter: First you dig up the garden in question thoroughly and, if necessary, work some compost and / or lime - depending on the type and variety- a. Then the bed is raked until it is smooth and you make furrows about two centimeters deep. In there you place the seeds at regular intervals and then cover them with the earth. Keep the substrate slightly moist. The plants will germinate within a short time, so that you should separate them after a few weeks. The young carnations can stay outside over the winter,

because they are frost hardy.

If you already have carnations in the garden, you do not need to do anything with regard to their propagation. All Carnation species sow themselves very reliably and thus form dense mats.

Use carnations for the balcony

Sowing works in a similar way to the garden Carnations in the pot. First, fill any planter with a mixture of finely crumbled Potting soil, Sand and some compost. In there you sow the seeds about two centimeters deep and keep the substrate slightly moist. These young carnations can also stay outside during the winter, but need - in contrast to the planted specimens - some protection. So place the pot on a styrofoam pad and cover the young cloves with a few twigs of spruce.


Propagation from cuttings also works excellently with many types of carnations. Therefore cut in summer semi-ripe cuttings from non-flowering shoots, which can also be planted on the spot.