Two methods explained in detail

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The simplest method: pulling cuttings

Regardless of which one variety it is, fragrant geraniums can best be propagated using cuttings. This method is considered to be tried and tested. The best time to do this is between July and August. Summer has the optimal temperatures ready for rooting the cuttings.

also read

  • Evening primrose: Propagation by sowing, cuttings or division
  • Larkspur - reproduction by division, cuttings or sowing
  • Propagate the fir tree by cuttings or seeds

How to proceed:

  • Cut off half-ripe head cuttings with a sharp knife below a leaf knot
  • should be about 10 cm long
  • remove lower leaves
  • Let 4 sheets adhere (on the upper part)
  • a pot of Potting soil prepare

Now the cutting is put into the ground. You should be careful not to cover the leaves with soil. Now the earth is poured on and kept moist for the next few weeks. In a bright place with a temperature between 20 and 22 ° C, the rooting takes about 6 weeks.

Tips from experts

When propagating cuttings, you should not use fresh shoots. These rot quickly. It is also advisable to use shoots that do not have flowers. A place in the greenhouse is ideal for rooting. After the cutting is rooted, it should stay in the pot until spring.

Sowing: Only for patient plant lovers

The seeds can be sown both in pots and in a bowl. They are light germs that should only be sieved with a thin layer of earth or sand. After sowing, the substrate is kept moist. At a temperature of 20 ° C, the seeds germinate after 10 to 20 days. When the four leaflets per plant can be seen, it is time to separate them.

The young plants of the fragrant pelargonium should be slowly accustomed to the outside climate. If the location is right and the substrate is perfect, you need it Scented geranium little care. Don't forget: From October this plant has to be overwintered.

Tips & Tricks

Before planting in the ground, the cutting should lie around briefly. After a short time, the cuts are closed so that no bacteria can penetrate from the outside when the roots are being rooted.