Dispose of rhubarb on the compost heap

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Use rhubarb to cover the compost

Rhubarb grows very large leaves. These are great for making a compost heap in the garden to cover. This will prevent the compost from drying out too much.

  • Put the whole rhubarb leaves on the compost
  • alternatively, tear down and mix in
  • Rhubarb peel can also be composted.

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Rhubarb contains a lot of oxalic acid, especially from summer onwards. However, the acid is mainly in the stems, which are harvested and consumed by Midsummer Day. The content in the leaves is not so high that the leaves do not acidify the compost too much.

You can of course also compost the rhubarb peel without worries if you peel the rhubarb before cooking.

Chop up rhubarb before composting

If you harvested a lot of rhubarb so that you can't use all of the leaves to cover, tear the leaves into small pieces. Mix them with preferably dry materials such as ash or shrub cuttings.

As with all other composting materials, the same applies to rhubarb that you should never add too much of one variety to the compost at the same time. Only good mixing ensures that it is more valuable humus arises and the rotting does not take too long take.

If the decomposition time is very long, the compost will become too moist and moldy. You can do that at Lawn clippings observe particularly well.

Rhubarb in the compost bin

the Compost bin is provided with a lid so that it does not require any special shading. If you want to compost rhubarb in the bin, tear up the leaves nicely and mix them with other materials.

Large amounts of rhubarb leaves and peels should be spread over several days to add to the compost.


Incidentally, planting zucchini on top of the pile also has a beneficial effect on the compost. The plant needs a lot of nutrients and therefore thrives here particularly well. On the other hand, the large leaves provide shade for the compost and prevent it from drying out.

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