What disease is it?

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Detecting and combating powdery mildew - this is how it works

The warm summer time causes a widespread fungal pathogen that hardly spares an ornamental or useful plant. As mildew Disease is a collective name for various fungal infections with similar symptoms. A simple home remedy has proven its worth for combating:

  • Typical symptom: floury, whitish to gray coating on the upper and / or lower sides of the leaves
  • Immediate action: remove all infected parts of the plant and burn or bury them deeply
  • Control: add 125 milliliters of fresh milk to 1 liter of water and spray on repeatedly
  • Alternatively: treat with a brew made from field horsetail

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  • Recognize and fight diseases on the spherical maple - this is how it works
  • Powdery mildew on the spherical maple - what to do?
  • Ball maple leaves cause concern - what to do?

The lecithin contained in fresh milk (not long-life milk) effectively combats fungal spores. The silicic acid contained in field horsetail has a similar effect. As is usual for natural remedies, a resounding success can only be recorded after repeated use.

Red pustular disease - symptoms, control and prevention

If the branches are covered with pinhead-sized, vermilion to dark red pustules, the red pustular disease (Nectria cinnabarina) has struck. The pathogen occurs all year round and primarily targets maple species. Cancerous growths on branches and trunks can be fatal consequences of this fungal attack. Fungicides of all kinds have so far been lost in the fight against the fungal infection. How to take action against the disease:

  • Cut back infected shoots up to 20 cm deep into healthy wood
  • The best time is on a frost-free day in late winter, before the start of the growth phase
  • Burn, bury or dispose of clippings in household waste

The red pustular mushroom is primarily targeting weakened trees. A potassium-stressed, nitrogen-poor, organic one has a preventive effect fertilization in the autumn. Avoid drought stress and waterlogging through a regular and well-measured water supply.


Contaminated scissors and Saws are among the most common carriers of pathogens. Cut You can only shape a spherical maple after you have carefully disinfected the blades with alcohol or a liquid household cleaner.

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