Inserting the pumpkin »The most delicious recipe ideas

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Pickle the pumpkin sweetly

The fruity-sweet pumpkin taste is very well suited to highlight it in sweet delicacies. One possibility is the sweet, compote-like pickling of pumpkin. For example, it tastes wonderful with waffles or rice pudding.

  1. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly, core and peel it (depending on the variety) and cut the pulp into small cubes.
  2. Boil half a liter of water per kg of pumpkin, dissolve 150 g of sugar in it and add 8 tablespoons of vinegar.
  3. Add the pumpkin pieces, bring to the boil again and simmer for 15 minutes on a low flame.
  4. Just before the end of the cooking time you can add almonds, raisins and / or spices such as cinnamon or Cloves stir in. All of this goes well with the sweet pickled pumpkin.
  5. Distribute the pumpkin pieces and the liquid between the cooked mason jars and seal them immediately.
  6. Store the cooled glasses in a cool, dark place and use the sweet pickled pumpkin within six months.

also read

  • Freezing the pumpkin - from the autumn garden to the chest
  • Preserve delicious pieces of pumpkin sweet and sour
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Cook pumpkin jam

Another sweet recipe that can be used to preserve pumpkin is the following for pumpkin jam. Whether on pancakes, bread rolls or as a sweet addition to the cheese platter, pumpkin is a welcome change in the jam jar.

  1. Wash, core and peel the pumpkin if necessary and then cut the pulp into cubes.
  2. If you want the pumpkin jam a little fruity, you can prepare apple cubes.
  3. In a large saucepan, sauté the cubes in a little water for a few minutes and then puree them.
  4. Stir 500 g of 2: 1 preserving sugar per kg of pumpkin into the pumpkin.
  5. Prepare the jam jars by boiling them or sterilizing them in the oven.
  6. Put the pot on the stove again and cook the sugared fruit pulp while stirring. As soon as it is boiling, the cooking time of 4 minutes begins.
  7. Fill the cooked pumpkin jam into the prepared jars (full to the brim) and close them immediately.
  8. The cooled jars should be stored in a cool, dark place and should be used up within a year.

Soak the pumpkin in vinegar

Pumpkin cubes pickled in vinegar are a spicy treat. They taste good with cheese bread or sausage platter, but can also be a tasty addition to meat dishes.

  1. Wash the pumpkin, remove the seeds and peel it if necessary. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  2. Prepare a vinegar stock by placing white wine vinegar and water mixed 1: 1 on the stove. For every kg of pumpkin you need 0.5 l of liquid in which you dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 100 g of sugar.
  3. Put the pumpkin cubes in the boiling stock and let them simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Then scoop the pumpkin cubes out of the stock and divide them into prepared sterile jars. You can add spices such as mustard or peppercorns to the preserving jars.
  5. Boil the vinegar again. Fill the glasses with the boiling hot brew; the liquid must completely cover the pumpkin pieces.
  6. Immediately close the jars and let them cool.
  7. Let the pickled pumpkin soak for at least four weeks. It can be kept for at least six months if stored in a cool and dark place.

Ferment the pumpkin

Fermented vegetables, in this case pumpkin, which are pickled with lactic acid, have a pleasantly sour taste and are very rich in vitamins. Inserting it is very easy - the main work is done by the lactic acid bacteria.

  1. Wash and core the pumpkin and cut it into small cubes. A Hokkaido pumpkin is ideal because it does not have to be peeled and the lactic acid bacteria required for fermentation sit on the shell.
  2. Take sterile mason jars and pound the pumpkin pieces and, if desired, spices (cinnamon / cloves / coriander or pepper / mustard seeds / juniper) into them tightly. You should avoid air pockets.
  3. Make a brine by boiling water and dissolving 20 g of salt (no iodized salt) in it per liter.
  4. Let the brine cool down and cover the pumpkin pieces with it. To keep the pumpkin under the liquid, you should place a clean stone or other heavy object on top.
  5. Seal the mason jars with a fresh rubber ring and let them stand at room temperature for at least a week. This is how the lactic acid fermentation starts.
  6. Then put the jars in a cool and dark place and let them steep for another four weeks. Only then is the pumpkin completely fermented and can be used up within a year.

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