The 10 best tips

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Tip 1: How to mow the lawn correctly has to be learned - this is how it works

One of the main pillars in the professional Lawn care represents that mowing represent. A beautiful lawn is based on 2 key factors: regularity and the cutting height. If you coordinate these two aspects, a green lawn will develop by itself. That's what matters:

  • Mow the lawn for the first time in the spring from a height of 8 centimeters
  • Mow the lawn every 7-10 days during the growing season
  • Do not work the green with the mower when it is wet or under the blazing midday sun
  • In normal weather, the cutting height should not be less than 3-4 centimeters
  • Do not mow after the first frost

also read

  • Fertilize lawn properly - the 10 best tips
  • Liming the lawn properly - the 10 best tips
  • Lawn care in autumn: How to make your lawn winter-proof

A green lawn needs a minimum height of 5 centimeters in order to provide sufficient shade for the root area when it is dry. In midsummer, the green should therefore thrive a little higher.


> The robotic lawnmower not only mows the lawn regularly, as if by magic. The battery-operated device scores with a pleasant side effect. It is far too uncomfortable and restless for moles and voles where the hummingbird drives all over the lawn for a long time. The unsightly hills and holes in the lawn will soon be a thing of the past.

Tip 2: Simply comb out what doesn't belong in it

At the end of winter, a thick carpet of moss and nasal weeds prevent a beautiful lawn from developing. In order to properly care for the green, the very radical technique of scarifying is used. Special devices use knives to scratch the grass surface 3-10 millimeters deep in order to comb out felt and weeds. This is how you do it:

  • Immediately after mowing the lawn for the first time scarify
  • Work the weed-covered area lengthways and crossways
  • Carefully sweep and dispose of all moss and weeds

When a green lawn has turned into a moss-covered tundra at the end of summer, experienced hobby gardeners bring out the scarifier one more time. In August / September they work on the stressed green again as part of the autumn care program.

Tip 3: how to aerate the lawn like a pro

On an intensively used lawn, the sod increasingly compacts over time. In this case, scarifying alone is not enough to maintain the green in the best possible way. Now the hour strikes Aerator. These devices punch with hollow Nails up to 10 centimeters deep into the ground to give the harassed grass roots more air. How to do it right:

  • Mow the lawn briefly and scarify it thoroughly
  • Then with a manual or mechanical aerator die Sward to edit
  • Drill holes in the compacted soil at a distance of 15-20 centimeters in order to close it ventilate

The pushed out earth cones must not be trampled again, but wander on the compost.

Tip 4: Important devices for manual and mechanical lawn care

In order for a beautiful lawn to develop from a grassy area, you cannot do without suitable equipment. While simple manual aids make the work easier for the small green, hobby gardeners work a lawn of 500 square meters or more preferably with mechanical support. The following list gives an overview of which devices are properly caring for your lawn.

Lawn care equipment Mechanical devices Manual devices
cut the lawn Petrol, electric mowers, robotic lawn mowers Cylinder mower
Comb out moss Scarifier Scarifying rake
remove weeds Scarifier Weed cutter, Hands
Aerate the lawn Aerator Lawn woodpecker, nail sandals, digging fork
Fertilize Gritter Hand spreader
Limescale Lime wagon gloved hands
Water Automatic lawn sprinkler Watering can, water hose

Tip 5: This is how sand makes the lawn green

If you would like to properly maintain a scarified and ventilated green area so that a lush green lawn develops from it, add further maintenance measures. To protect the sward from compaction in the long term, create with fine Quartz sand(€ 15.15 at Amazon *) effective drainage. How to look after the lawn in an exemplary manner:

  • The combed and aired lawn sand
  • Washed quartz sand with a fine grain size 0/2 is suitable
  • Do not scatter more than half a bucket of sand per square meter
  • Finally, water the lawn extensively

Work on the sanded surface with a broom until all the holes are filled and small bumps are evened out. You care for the green like an English lawn professional if you apply a top dressing of quartz sand, peat and fertilizer instead of plain sand. After this premium treatment, a green lawn will thrive all the more splendidly.

Tip 6: Liming properly - raise the pH value carefully

A beautiful lawn will not thrive in an over-acidic soil. Experienced hobby gardeners therefore give one every 2 to 3 years Soil analysis order or test the pH value in the lawn yourself. If the result falls below a value of 5.5, there is immediate need for action. Targeted Limescale raises the value to the ideal level of 6-7. That is how it goes:

  • Liming the lawn in spring, followed by scarifying and airing
  • With the Gritter the Garden lime(€ 9.70 at Amazon *) Sprinkle in the recommended dosage
  • Ideally a mild one Algae lime, Vital lime or Rock flour(€ 12.33 at Amazon *) use
  • If it is not raining, water the limed lawn extensively

If the pH value is within an acceptable range, we recommend maintenance liming every 2 to 3 years. In this way, you maintain the lawn prophylactically before moss and weeds can spread in the acidic soil. If you lime the green area in a low dose of 125 to 160 grams per square meter, the result is a moss-free, green lawn.

Tip 7: No starvation diet - better balanced organic fertilization

As often as devices work the lawn, nutrient-rich biomass is always lost. This is especially true when mowing the lawn. If you want to look after your green carpet properly, you can do it again Fertilize do not waive. A beautiful lawn develops in harmony with nature if you use organic resp. Give preference to organic-mineral preparations. So fertilize You with expertise:

  • Fertilize lawns with normal use in March / April and September / October
  • Maintain heavily used lawns with additional fertilizer in June / July
  • A mineral-organic one Slow release fertilizer administer or with compost or Herbal manure fertilize
  • Ideally, fertilize after working the lawn and then water thoroughly

While the lawn mainly requires nitrogen and phosphorus in spring and summer, it is used autumn nutrient supply preparing for freezing temperatures with potassium. In the mineral-organic area, patent potash comes into consideration here. If you fertilize purely ecologically, comfrey liquid manure provides everything you need to properly care for the lawn before winter.

Tip 8: Water dry lawns - it's not just the amount that counts

Maintain your lawn in a balanced way with fertilizers, sand and lime, extensive watering rounds off the care. In addition, a green lawn will be lost if you do not water it well when it is dry. Here it is important to apply the right amount of water. A beautiful lawn does not want to die of thirst or be drowned. The following rules of thumb may serve as a guide:

  • In summer drought the Sprinkle the lawn
  • Never water the green in direct sunlight
  • Water ideally in the early morning or late evening
  • Start watering as soon as the first signs of wilting appear

The amount of water depends on the nature of the soil. On loose sandy soil you water with 10-15 liters, on loamy-clay soil with 15-20 liters of water per square meter. You will be knowledgeable about watering the lawn 1-2 times a week rather than watering a small amount daily.

Tip 9: Mulching and mowing in one go

Modern hobby gardeners combine lawn mowing and fertilizing in a single operation. It's easy to do with one Mulching mower. These devices chop the clippings into tiny particles in order to use them to organically cut the green mulch. This saves time because there is no more grass catcher to empty. In addition, there is no need for additional fertilization, something that both purse and nature will be happy about.

Tip 10: Skillful reseeding irons out small defects - this is how it works

A sparse, patchy lawn can be cultivated into a dense, green carpet with reseeding in the twinkling of an eye. As long as there is still a remnant of green lawn, it is not necessary to use a professional one Overseeding the complex new installation. This is how it works:

  • Mow the lawn in spring or autumn and Scarify the entire surface
  • Level out any unevenness with a mix of compost and sand
  • Lawn seeds for reseeding by hand or with the Gritter spread

Last but not least, sieve the light germs thinly with sand, roll the re-sown area smooth and water extensively.


Which turf mix does the turf whisperer from tennis mecca Wimbledon actually prefer? To put an end to the eternal serve-and-volley bum-bum tennis, the grass mix was changed in 1995. Instead of the previously favored mixture of 70 percent ryegrass with 30 percent red fescue, today's tennis cracks only have ryegrass at their feet.