They are attracted to Syringa

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Many insects are threatened with extinction

Bees, Bumblebees, Butterflies - many insect species have been declining in their populations for years, some are even acutely threatened with extinction. The reason for the threatening death of insects is the sterile cultivated landscape, which is particularly At the end of July there was no longer enough food in the form of flowering and nectar-producing plants provide. Meadows and lawns are mowed regularly so that no wild herbs and flowers appear and possibly seed themselves. In the gardens there are also more and more beautiful hybrid varieties, but those of the ecological Are worthless from a point of view - they produce no or insufficient nectar and are therefore not suitable as Forage plants.

also read

  • Useful shrubs for more insects and birds in the garden
  • The lilac - a garden classic in profile
  • Useful plants for insects

Which is why lilacs are of no interest to bumblebees, bees and butterflies

This also applies to many noble lilacs, which are, however, not only of no interest to insects for this reason. Wild lilacs are also not suitable for dressing (as the beekeeper says) because the shrub smells wonderfully sweet - but because of it

toxic ingredients tastes extremely bitter. Of course, this also applies to his nectar. However, since bumblebees, bees and co. Are looking for sweet sugar, they literally die in front of a richly blooming lilac bush.

Which flowering plants are suitable as an insect costume

If you want to do something good for insects looking for nectar, you should go to your garden or Preferably cultivate suitable forage plants on the balcony. This includes, for example Summer or butterfly lilac (Buddleja davidii), which is particularly popular with butterflies. Also very popular with insects are:

  • Snow heather - Flowering period January to April
  • Cornelian cherry - Flowering period February to March, edible fruits
  • Gorse - blooms between May and July
  • Blackberries - edible fruits
  • Splendid candle / Prairie candle - long flowering period from June to October
  • Lavender - blooms between June and September
  • Thyme - blooms between June and July
  • Marjoram - blooms between June and July
  • Zinnias - flowering from June to October
  • Sun hat / Echinacea - blooms from July to September
  • Globe thistle - Flowering period between July and September
  • Wasserdost - flowering time between July and September
  • Sedum plant - Flowering period between August and October
  • Autumn and winter asters - flowering time into November


In the garden center you can buy seed packets for insect-friendly wild meadows. These can be spread out well on a piece of lawn, which is then used to feed insects.

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