Zucchini not growing: causes and tips

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Zucchini won't grow

Zucchini plants are actually relatively undemanding. However, under certain circumstances, problems can arise. For example, it can happen that the zucchini does not grow properly. We reveal what can be the cause.

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In a nutshell

  • Zucchini is basically easy to care for
  • Growth problems often due to care errors/wrong location
  • need sufficient nutrients
  • are particularly thirsty
  • bad weather is a problem

Table of contents

  • location issues
  • Crop rotation not observed?
  • Mistakes in fertilizing
  • Incorrect watering
  • Unfavorable weather conditions
  • Diseases
  • frequently asked Questions

location issues

Too little sun, poor ventilation, and poor soil conditions can all result in zucchini not growing. So be careful when planting new plants optimal conditions at the site:

  • no blazing midday sun
  • 4 to 6 hours of sunshine daily
  • Avoid over-fertilized and too acidic substrates
  • improve heavy and waterlogged soils with sand or compost
  • pay attention to even soil moisture
  • high humus content optimal
  • Observe crop rotation
Zucchini in the sun
Zucchini should be in the sun, but without being exposed to the blazing sun for hours.

Crop rotation not observed?

Compliance with the crop rotation plays an important role. The reason for this is the incompatibility of zucchini with itself and other cucurbits. If you keep planting them in the same place, plant growth will be severely inhibited. Consequence: The courgettes do not grow or only grow very poorly. The soil is depleted by one-sided use of nutrients, and there are also deficiency symptoms plant diseases can spread more easily. Because of this, a cultivation break of three to four years must be observed.

Tip: Good precultures are spinach, chard and beetroot. Beans, sweetcorn, leek and celery.

Mistakes in fertilizing

As heavy feeder Zucchini remove a lot of nutrients from the soil, which promotes a nutrient deficiency. This in turn leads to growth disorders in the form of yellowing leaf areas. There is often a magnesium deficiency, especially on acidic/sandy soils and areas that are cultivated too intensively when fertilizing should counteract as follows:

  • avoid too much potash and nitrogen
  • especially in artificial fertilizers
  • Remedy by testing the pH value
  • In case of magnesium deficiency, fertilize with magnesium (Epsom salt)
  • lime too acidic soils
Zucchini flowers in the sun

Tip: Remove most of the male flowers after fertilization is complete.This is how you release additional nutrients.

Incorrect watering

If it is too hot and dry for a long time, this thirsty plant cannot absorb any water and therefore no nutrients - the courgettes no longer grow. In addition, it evaporates a lot of water through its leaves. Persistent lack of water also affects the fruit, because they can form toxic bitter substances. How to react correctly:

  • water immediately, but in moderation
  • not too much at once, risk of overhydration
  • loosen heavy, loamy soils with compost
  • water twice a day on hot days
  • Evaporation is lowest early in the morning and evening
  • not flowers and leaves
  • Consider soil type when planting new plants
Water zucchini
Zucchini should not be watered from above.

If the watering water is too cold, there is a risk of a cold shock. This would inhibit the growth of the plants and, in the worst case, cause them to die. The water should be at ambient temperature, such as in the rain barrel collected rainwater. In addition, the deployment of a Lawn clippings mulch recommended.

Tip: In case of overwatering, you should not water for a while and let the soil dry well.

Unfavorable weather conditions

If courgettes do not grow and/or young fruits turn yellow, turn brown and rot, it can be a natural protective reaction of the plants with which they want to ensure their survival. This happens mainly in cool and rainy summers, with dry weather and temperatures above 30 degrees as well excessive temperature differences between day and night. This in turn can cause a calcium deficiency. In these cases, the best thing to do is:

  • remove affected fruit
  • If the fruit set is excessive, thin out the fruit
  • if necessary foliar fertilization with calcium fertilizer
  • only for newly developing fruits
  • if planted early, cover with protective film or fleece
  • Harden off young plants before planting out
  • only plant outside after ice saints
Young zucchini will turn brown and rot
Extreme weather affects young fruits severely and causes them to die.

Tip: Zucchini stops growing at temperatures below 10 degrees. The ideal temperature is between 18 and 24 degrees.


Among the diseases that cause zucchini to stop growing properly is the cucumber mosaic virus. The fungal infection manifests itself in mosaic-like spotted and deformed leaves, twisted fruit bases and deformed or bursting fruits. Leaf growth is slowed down. The virus is transmitted by infected seeds, but mostly by aphids. Since it is not possible to combat the virus, it is important to prevent pest infestation:

  • remove infected plants immediately
  • best in plastic bags in household waste
  • odorous oregano plant as a bed border
  • remove weeds regularly
  • Keep plants dry, avoid waterlogging
  • ensure a well-ventilated location and well-drained soil
Ladybugs eat aphids

Tip: To keep aphids away, beneficial insects such as Ladybugs and their larvae, hover flies and lacewings can be very helpful. Ideally make your garden insect-friendlyto attract beneficial insects that help with pest control.

frequently asked Questions

Are zucchini suitable for greenhouse cultivation?

The greenhouse is not the optimal solution for growing zucchini. The humid climate there favors one mildew infestation, to which these plants are particularly susceptible.

Can small zucchini also be eaten?

When they are still small and have reached a length of about 15 cm, courgettes taste best. Then they are even firmer, more aromatic than larger fruits and contain many vitamins. The larger the fruit gets, the more spongy and watery it becomes.

What can be done to make zucchini grow faster?

Zucchini generally grow quickly. This can be encouraged by working compost and horn shavings into the soil before planting and satisfying their hunger for nutrients and water. In addition, you should keep the planting area weed-free, especially with young plants.

Which varieties are particularly robust?

Varieties such as 'Ambassador F1', 'Black Forest', 'Diamant F1' or 'Dumbo' are considered to be particularly resilient. There are also breeds that have a high resistance to the cucumber mosaic virus. These include 'Defender', 'Malstil F1' and 'Partenon F1'.

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