Instructions & tips for pruning fruit

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Why should fruit trees be cut? On the one hand it serves the health of the tree and the yield behavior, on the other hand it is used for the upbringing, maintenance and rejuvenation of the tree. Fruit trees are mainly cut in the months of January to March, the so-called winter cut. But a cut is also possible in summer, but this is more of a supplementary and corrective cut. With both cuts, damaged tree parts, cancerous growths and fungus-infested areas are removed at the same time. A good pruning of fruit trees increases the yield. The tools are also important. For a precise cut you should use one that cuts reliably and precisely.

Why cut fruit trees?

The right pruning gives the fruit tree a stable branch structure that can carry large amounts of harvest. The crown of the tree is also shaped and corrected if necessary. By cutting out, the branches become lighter and dry faster after rain, which can prevent pests and fungal infections such as powdery mildew, scab and tree canker. But light and air also penetrate into the interior of the crown and thus promote the formation of flowers and fruit.

Pruning fruit trees has other advantages. Regular pruning measures keep the tree young and strong. The winter pruning also stimulates new shoots. Can be used as a privacy screen or for shade

special crown cuttings are carried out and in the commercial sector the fruit tree cuttings are also used for the production of noble veins. Of course, the cut must be tailored to the growth behavior of the fruit species and the development phase of the tree. The right cut, combined with fertilization, soil care and possibly plant protection guarantees a rich harvest.

When to cut fruit trees

The winter pruning is the main pruning for almost all fruit trees. The branches are thinned out and the shaped cut or Tree construction made. The months from January to March are ideal for winter pruning, depending on the region. The cut should definitely be carried out on frost-free days. The summer pruning, on the other hand, can supplement or correct the winter pruning and it should be carried out for pome fruit by the end of July to the beginning of August at the latest. Especially shoots in the head area or annual shoots that grow straight up, so-called water shoots, are removed. Sick branches can also be cut out at the same time. However, the summer cut through the foliage is not easy to assess for some hobby gardeners. You should therefore rather make a thorough winter pruning. The cut is slightly different for stone fruit. Here is preferably in summer or cut after harvest. The

The still soft water shoots are neatly cut off with the secateurs. Correct fruit pruning can be carried out on cherries, apricots and early plums after the harvest. For stone fruit varieties that ripen later, however, you should carry out a winter pruning.

Types of cuts

The pruning measures are based on the fruit trees. A distinction is made between:

  • Plant pruning
  • Upbringing
  • Conservation cut
  • Taper cut

Since the fruit tree loses its roots when it is excavated in the nursery, the crown and root volume must be adapted to each other when replanting. This planting pruning is carried out directly after planting, it promotes growth and initiates the formation of the crown. The training pruning is carried out on all young trees. The aim is to get the tree top into shape. This can take up to seven years. The fruit wood is renewed and rejuvenated by the conservation pruning. It is usually carried out during the harvest period. A rejuvenating pruning is often performed on older fruit trees. The treetop is cut back by about a third. In this way, the crown can rejuvenate itself with new shoots.

Cutting techniques

  • Derive, a targeted fruit tree pruning directs the growth in the desired direction
  • Cut away, the complete removal of shoots and branches without residual stubs
  • Cutting, annual shoots are cut, so they branch better and become stronger. This pruning is mainly used to train young trees.

The right tool

In order to be able to cut the wood precisely and without injuring the branches, good tools such as a saw and loppers are necessary. These are even available in stores especially for pruning fruit trees. But you should definitely pay attention to quality and reliability.

Advantages & tips

By cutting back it bears

you not only contribute to the optimal health of the tree, but also create a robust branch structure for a correspondingly high harvest yield. A crown that is light enough after it has been cut has numerous advantages: Firstly, it allows sunlight to reach the fruit better and contribute to a better development and secondly, the heat that is created provides a kind of protection against fungal infections guaranteed.
So powdery mildew and Co. have no chance. In addition, experts even say that pruning fruit trees helps keep the tree young and fit, even if it has been around for a few years.
Incidentally, the cut also has advantages for you: the shadow in the garden can be positioned accordingly where you can use it and where not. The pruning of fruit trees in the garden also has a visual effect.
A distinction is made when pruning fruit trees - depending on the type of tree - between winter pruning and summer pruning. The latter in turn varies with pome fruit, Soft fruit, Stone fruit and walnuts. It is therefore particularly important that you inform yourself in advance.
Usually the summer cut is the classic and most used cut. This involves cutting back the branches in the area of ​​the treetop so that the tree becomes a little lighter again. In addition, it is a cut in which the cuts that may have been planned differently in the winter cut and their developments can be corrected if necessary.
Sometimes, for example with walnuts, only one cut of the fruit trees per year is enough. No matter what kind of Fruit treeIn any case, the wound healing must be observed accordingly, which means that only then cut back may be used when the frost has subsided, otherwise the wounds can no longer properly recover from it Intervention.