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In the late year the bed will be at least one spade dug deep, a bucket of well-rotted compost or manure is spread over every two square meters. The ground rests over the winter. In the spring the soil is then raked and another 125 grams Complete fertilizer or - in the variant for organic gardening - a mixture of two parts in the same amount Horn shavings,(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) one part sulfuric potash and four parts bone meal incorporated. The deeply fertilized, solid soil prepared in this way offers the best conditions for planting the seedlings.

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  • Brussels sprouts - it's harvest time now
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They are planted out continuously in the last week of May until mid-June. Make sure you have strong seedlings that are at least 10 to 15 cm tall. Plant the seedlings at a distance of about 50 to 70 cm from each other, because the Brussels sprouts need some space to develop well.
When planting, press the seedlings firmly and water them abundantly as they grow.

Since Brussels sprouts are not planted until late May, the free space in the bed can be used for planting lettuce or other intermediate crops such as French beans. If the plants have not yet had enough florets by the end of September, cut off the tips of the shoots. This promotes the rich formation of the cabbage florets.
The first Brussels sprouts ripened in mid-October. You harvest fresh and according to your needs by breaking off the ripe florets from the bottom up. The taste improves significantly after a light frost, so the best harvest time is in November and December. The plant does not survive severe frosts outdoors. After the first light frosts, dig up the Brussels sprouts stick together with the roots and beat the plant in one Cold frame or in the basement. So you can still harvest well into March.

When planting, pay attention to the selection of the variety of Brussels sprouts. The variety "Hilds Ideal" needs one
longer development time, but is less sensitive to frost due to its large bracts. The “Wilhelmsburger” variety is only suitable for the autumn harvest because of its sensitivity to frost. When planting, just try different varieties. Brussels sprouts can be prepared in many interesting ways and offer a healthy taste experience.