Caring for the ivy: watering, cutting & repotting

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The efeutute is very frugal, but needs a little care from time to time. Everything about watering, cutting and fertilizing the efeutute can be found here.

Efeutute at the window
A partially shaded location is ideal for the Efeutute [Photo: Grumpy Cow Studios /]

the Efeutute (Epipremnum) is one of the most popular indoor plants for at home or in the office. It is considered indestructible and extremely easy to care for. But she cannot do without care. In our article, we will tell you everything about adequate efeutute care.

Many are familiar with the climbing, evergreen plant, but do not even know what it is actually called. We are talking about the Efeutute, which belongs to the Araceae family. Many other houseplants like that too Window leaves (Monstera) or the Single sheets (Spathiphyllum) belong to the arum family. With the ivy (Hedera helix) the Efeutute only has the name and the quality of tendrils in common. The two plants are not related.


  • Pour Efeutute
  • Cut efeutute
  • Fertilize efeutute
  • Repot the females
  • Yellow leaves on the Efeutute: causes and countermeasures

Pour Efeutute

Since the Efeutute hardly needs any care, it is ideal for beginners and gardeners with little time. It survives shorter dry periods without any problems. When you water the efeutute, the general rule is that you should allow the substrate to dry out between watering, but not let it dry out completely. With the finger test you can test whether the upper substrate has dried enough. If the top two inches feel dry, you can water again. If lighter and half-dried leaves appear on the plant, it is high time to water again, as the plant is too dry. It is best to use lime-free irrigation water, with rainwater being ideal.

Efeutute in a hanging basket
Flower baskets are ideal for the Efeutute [Photo: Nguyen Vinh /]

If the pot emits a foul, putrid smell, the roots of the plant are probably under water and you have overdone the watering. Even if drops form on the leaves, the plant tries to give off excess water again through guttation. Therefore, the excess water should always be removed from the planter about 15 minutes after watering. In this way the formation of waterlogging can be avoided. With the Efeutute, watering over the saucer is also an option. To do this, pour water into the saucer - and not onto the substrate from above - and wait until the plant has absorbed everything. Repeat this until there is water in the coaster. You can then remove this.

Ivy leaf with water droplets
Excessive watering releases excess water through the leaves [Photo: Nicha11 /]

Summary: water the efeutute

  • Let the top layer of the substrate dry off (finger test)
  • Use lime-free water
  • Remove excess water from the coaster
  • Alternatively, pour over a saucer
  • Light-colored, withered leaves indicate drought

Tip: Efeututen love high humidity. They are therefore very happy to be sprayed regularly with lukewarm, lime-free water.

Cut efeutute

Although it is not necessary to cut off the shoots of the ivy, the tropical plant is very easy on pruning. You can regularly remove dead and wilted leaves. If you want to curb the growth of the efeutute a little, you always have the option of using scissors. The best time to cut the yield is in spring. After that, the plant can still sprout well. As a rule, the shoots can be shortened by two thirds. The separated drive pieces can also be used if you have the Increase Efeutute want.

Efeutute dusting
Dust-free leaves shine more beautifully and photosynthesize more effectively [Photo: Emily frost /]

Unfortunately, it is not that easy to branch out the efeutute. Pruning directly on the leaf axils can cause the plant to sprout more bushy. The easiest method for a bushy appearance, however, is to simply plant several ivy tufts in one pot.

Summary: cut efeutute

  • Regularly remove dead and dead leaves
  • Prune back in spring
  • To do this, shorten the shoots by a maximum of two thirds
  • Often cut along the leaf axes for bushy growth
  • Use a sharp knife or secateurs

Tip: Since the Efeutute poisonous you should always wear gloves when caring for the ivy, especially when cutting and repotting.

Bushy ivy in a pot
For a bushy growth, it is best to plant several specimens in a pot [Photo: Myimagine /]

Fertilize efeutute

Between March and October, when the efeutute is growing hard, you should fertilize the plant occasionally. A liquid fertilizer is ideal for this, which you can simply add to the substrate together with the irrigation water. For example, our mainly organic one is suitable for ornamental foliage plants such as the Efeutute Plantura organic indoor & green plant fertilizer. The nutrients it contains support the development of strong roots and leaves. Fertilize about every two to three weeks during the summer months. In the winter months it is not necessary to fertilize the efeutute, as it also grows less during this time.

Summary: fertilize efeutute

  • Fertilize from March to October
  • Add fertilizer to the irrigation water every two to three weeks
  • Fertilizer amount according to the dosage instructions

Repot the females

As easy to care for the Efeutute may be, it too would like to be repotted occasionally. The time to repot has come when the root network of the plant completely fills the flower pot. At the latest, however, every two to three years you should repot the efeutute.

First, prepare the new pot for the houseplant. The new home for the efeutute should be slightly larger than the old pot and have a drainage hole and a saucer or planter. Then use expanded clay or potsherds to create a drainage layer in the pot. In this way, the water can always drain off well and there is no waterlogging. High-quality potting soil, such as ours, is suitable as a substrate for the efeutute Plantura organic universal soil. The peat-free soil contains all the nutrients for a successful start to growth and is made from sustainable raw materials.

Drainage layer in the pot
A drainage layer, e.g. B. made of expanded clay, ensures water drainage [Photo: Valerii Kolomiiets /]

Now take your efeutute out of its pot and remove the old substrate from the roots. This can be done by shaking it off or washing it off. Now you have a good view of the root network and can cut off any rotten or dried up root parts. If the root ball is very large, you can also shorten the healthy roots a little. Then the root ball is placed in the middle of the new pot and covered with earth. Finally, water the plant well.

Summary: Repot the ivy

  • The new flower pot should be a little bigger than the old one
  • Create a drainage layer
  • Fill the pot one third with soil
  • Remove efeutute from the old pot
  • Gently shake off or rinse the earth
  • Possibly. Prune roots
  • Place the efeutute in the middle of the pot
  • Fill up with substrate
Efeutute with yellow leaves
In the event of such leaf damage, there is an urgent need for action [Photo: Parawee21 /]

Yellow leaves on the Efeutute: causes and countermeasures

There could be several reasons for your peoples getting yellow leaves. Here we reveal possible causes and countermeasures.

Reasons for yellow leaves on the ivy:

  • Intense light exposure: One reason for yellow leaves can be too intense light exposure. The Efeutute comes from the partially shaded rainforests and does not want to stand in the blazing sun. The efeutute should therefore be placed in a partially shaded location for a speedy recovery.
  • Substrate too wet: Even a substrate that is too wet can lead to yellowing. Remove excess water from the pot and ventilate the root ball or transplant the efeutute in fresh substrate and remove the rotten roots.
  • Substrate too dry: If the plant dries up, its leaves turn yellow. As a first aid measure, the entire root ball is placed in a bucket with rainwater at room temperature.
  • Too dry air: Especially in winter, when the heating is running, the air in the room quickly becomes very dry. The Efeutute doesn't like that at all and reacts with yellow leaves. You should therefore ensure a higher level of humidity by spraying the efeutute and use lukewarm rainwater for this. You can also place a bowl of water next to the houseplant.
  • Nutritional deficiency: Acute nutrient deficiency can also lead to yellow leaves. The only solution here is a quick supply of liquid fertilizer.
Efeutute with brown spots
Brown spots on the leaves can have many causes [Photo: ukmng /]

Your efeutute is not growing? Many maintenance errors can be the cause here. It can often help to repot the plant in such a case. It then has enough space, fresh nutrients and moist, but not wet, substrate. If the Efeutute gets brown spots on the leaves, too much or too little water or nutrients are usually the cause. Although the Efeutute hardly suffers from diseases, spider mites can infest the area if the air is too dry.

tip: Excessive lime content in the water can also lead to so-called chlorosis - i.e. yellow leaves. It is therefore best to water with lime-free water.

Great efeutute
With the right care, the efeutute can reach impressive proportions [Photo: Farhad Ibrahimzade /]

Summary: caring for the efeutute

  • Only pour when the top substrate layer has dried
  • Remove wilted and dead leaves
  • To cut back, shorten the shoots by two thirds
  • Prune the leaf axes for a bushier growth
  • Fertilize every two to three weeks between March and October

When you are all over Location, reproduction and wintering of the ivy want to find out, then you can read on in our overview article on the popular climbing plant.