Can martens transmit diseases?

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Martens and diseases

Like every animal on earth, martens can also carry pathogens such as viruses or bacteria and parasites and also transmit them. The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover carried out a small study in 2016 to check the health of foxes, martens and raccoon dogs.
The scientists could no diseases detect the following dreaded diseases:

  • rabies
  • distemper
  • Aujezky virus (pseudo-rabies)
  • mange

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In individual cases it is of course still possible that martens carry these pathogens, but the probability is low.


If a marten is very trusting and shows no shyness, there is a reason for caution - shyness loss is the number 1 indicator of rabies.

Parasites in martens

The scientists of the study mentioned found endoparasites of the relatively harmless genus Capillaria in stone martens, however no zoonotic parasites, i.e. those that can be transferred from animals to humans. However, such parasites were increasingly found in foxes. Marten can thus parasites on other animals, such as z. B.

Cats transmitted, but it is unlikely to endanger humans.

Is marten droppings dangerous?

Marten droppings is largely considered to be harmless. If the animal is sick, the faeces can of course contain bacteria or viruses that can cause damage. U. are transferable to humans. Therefore, when removing Marten droppings Gloves and a face mask are worn. There is no known risk of toxoplasmosis transmission.


A Marten in the garden, in the house or on the Attic is no more dangerous than a cat in the household. Like any animal, a marten can be sick and possibly transmit its pathogens to humans and other pets, but there is no increased risk. Serious diseases such as rabies or mange are hardly to be expected.

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