These keep the pond free of algae

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Mode of action of aquatic plants in the pond

Aquatic plants keep the pond water in biological equilibrium - as follows: They take up a large part of the nutrients from the water in order to grow and thrive. This makes them a direct food competitor of the algae. The latter need extremely nutrient-rich water in order to be able to live and reproduce. If this livelihood is missing, they stay away from the pond.

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  • Why you should plant aquatic plants in baskets
  • Which aquatic plants are optimal for the mini pond
  • Using aquatic plants - practical tips for pond planting

In short: with the generous one Use of aquatic plants you will succeed in slowing down or even stopping the growth of algae in your pond. The prerequisite is, of course, that you use suitable plants.

Which aquatic plants support algae control

Above all, keep an eye out for vigorous aquatic plants. As the name suggests, such plants need a lot of nutrients. Accordingly, they make extensive use of the substances in the pond water. As a result, there is hardly anything left for any algae.

It makes most sense to put together a plant mix that includes the shallow water zone, the deep water zone and also the bank area.

You will now receive overviews of the types of aquatic plants that have proven themselves for the respective areas (in terms of their potential, Algae in the pond to avoid).

Algae-fighting aquatic plants for the shallow water zone

  • Pennywort (Lysimachia nummularia)
  • Swan flower (Butomus umbellatus)
  • Fir fronds (Hippuris vulgaris)

Algae-fighting aquatic plants for the deep water zone

  • Water lilies (Nyphaea)
  • Milfoil (Myriophyllum aquaticum)
  • Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
  • Dense leaved waterweed (Egeria densa)

Algae-fighting aquatic plants for the bank area

  • Swamp Iris (Iris laevigata)
  • Dwarf rush (Juncus ensifolius)
  • Hedgehog cob (Sparganium erectum)

Extra: floating plants to combat algae

Also a few Floating plants contribute to the algae-free pond:

  • Frog bite (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae)
  • Trilateral duckweed (Lemna trisulca)
  • Swimming fern (Salvia natans)

Note: All of the aquatic plants mentioned have a high nutritional requirement, so they deprive algae of their nutritional basis.

Important note about koi ponds

If you keep carp (including koi) and / or grass carp in your garden pond, it is NOT possible to combat algae with aquatic plants. These fish are proven herbivores and are passionate about underwater plants. Therefore, unfortunately, you have to rely on unnatural methods of algae control in Koi ponds.

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