Pull the thyme offshoots

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Thyme is usually propagated from so-called softwood cuttings. These are young, not yet mature shoots from the growth of the current year. These shoots are still completely green and wither very quickly after being cut. Thyme softwood cuttings are cut directly into Potting soil set and take root within about six to eight weeks. Check back frequently after planting to see if you need to water more. As with the Germination of seeds you should place the cuttings in a bright location without direct sunlight.

also read

  • Japanese maple - easy propagation via cuttings
  • Pour thyme - but with a sense of proportion
  • Thyme is easy to propagate

Planting a thyme cutting

  • Remove an approx. 10 centimeter long, strong side shoot from the mother plant.
  • Cut it across right below the roots of the leaves.
  • Carefully remove the leaves from the lower half of the cutting.
  • Dip its bottom in a hormonal preparation.
  • Use a stick or pencil to drill a hole in a pot of potting soil.
  • Plant the cutting in it.
  • Press it gently with the prick stick.
  • Make sure that no air pockets form around the cutting.
  • Gently water the cutting.

Multiplication by division

Dividing literally means dividing the old plant into many smaller plants, the healthiest of which are replanted. Instead of simply throwing away the old plant, it is worthwhile to separate off some healthy parts from the outside and to cultivate many healthy young plants from an old one. Thyme should best be divided in spring, then it sprouts again vigorously in the year itself even develops flowers. How to share:

  • Lift the whole plant, including its root, out of the earth.
  • This works best with a pitchfork.
  • Be careful not to damage the roots.
  • Shake off loose soil.
  • Throw away the diseased parts as well as the middle part of the plant.
  • Divide the plant into pieces with healthy roots and shoots.
  • Use hand forks or a pitchfork to help.
  • You can cut through roots that are too strong with a clean and sharp knife.
  • Immediately after division, plant the new plants at the same depth as before.
  • Make sure the roots are evenly distributed.
  • Press down the soil and water the plants abundantly.

Tips & Tricks

Only cut from healthy plants and only from non-flowering side shoots, as these usually form roots better. Always use a clean, sharp knife to avoid damaging the plant tissue.


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