This is the best way to proceed

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It depends on the preparatory work

Sowing is especially worthwhile for those who are new Cannas varieties want to create. It starts with preliminary work that requires a sure instinct:

  • Force the seeds into needle-nose pliers
  • rub the side that is slightly indented on sandpaper
  • when the white inside becomes visible, stop grinding

also read

  • Prefer Canna - Answers to Important Questions
  • 2 proven propagation methods for canna
  • Canna - characteristics of the seeds and sowing

It is important to grind the seeds. Without this procedure, the seeds can take many months to germinate. Very few people have this patience... After the seeds have been sanded at the beginning of January at the latest, they are placed in a warm water bath for 2 days. This stimulates the germination process. The germs sprout.

The seed comes into the earth

When the seeds are germinated, they can get into the soil. For example, a coconut fiberPotting soil. Otherwise, the soil should have the following properties:

  • unfertilized
  • low in nutrients
  • relaxed
  • permeable
  • easy

The seeds come 2 cm deep into the substrate. They are poured on and then kept moist. The minimum germination time is 6 days. It is best if you use the pots or Growing trays Place with the germs in a room with a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C.

Prick out the plants and plant them out

As soon as the flower tube has formed the first two leaves, it can be pricked out. Sort out the weak plants. You can plant the sturdy specimens in individual pots after 4 weeks, if you have not already done so. Place the plants in a sunny place, for example on the balcony or the window sill.

If you put the flower tube outdoors in May plants want to pay attention to a nutrient-rich when planting Earth. The soil can be pre-fertilized with compost.

Tips & Tricks

As an alternative to sanding, some breeders resort to packing the seeds in the freezer or briefly boiling them with water. These two methods should also promote and accelerate the germination process.

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