Harvest and use St. John's wort

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Determine St. John's wort

If you would like to use wild specimens as medicinal herbs, it is important to identify them unequivocally:

  • The flower: St. John's wort has five petals that look like small tufts of hair. If you rub this between your fingers, red juice will come out.
  • The leaves: These are one to three centimeters in size and oval. If you hold it up to the light, you can see isolated light and dark, punctiform areas.
  • The berries: These appear in August. They are initially red, later black.

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  • St. John's wort - harvest and process properly
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Collect St. John's wort

Whether growing wild or in the garden: As soon as the real St. John's wort is in full bloom, it can be harvested. Cut the long stems off about a hand's breadth above the ground.

Preservation of the medicinal plant

St. John's wort can be dried or soaked in oil. Coarse dirt is removed from the medicinal herb before further processing, but not washed, as water removes valuable aromas from the herb.

The production of red oil

  • Roughly chop the stems with the flowers.
  • Pour into a glass vessel and squeeze with a mortar.
  • Pour olive oil or sunflower oil, preferably organically grown, over them.
  • Seal and place in the sun for six to eight weeks.

When the oil has turned a bright red color, strain and transfer to glass bottles. The red oil can be kept for about a year.

Dry St. John's wort

Tie the twigs together in loose bundles and hang them in an airy place.

How does St. John's wort work?

Red oil is a tried and tested home remedy that accelerates wound healing thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also has a soothing effect on minor burns, sprains and bruises.

You can take advantage of the mood-enhancing influence of the medicinal plant in the form of an infusion. Pour 150 milliliters of water over two teaspoons of St. John's wort and let the tea steep for ten minutes. Drink one or two cups of this in the morning and in the evening.


Please note that St. John's wort can weaken the effect of some medicinal substances. This applies to anti-coagulants and birth control pills, among other things. If you take medicines regularly, you should definitely discuss the internal use of St. John's wort with your doctor.