This is how you summer it outdoors

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The poinsettia is purely a houseplant

Of the Christmas star is a houseplant that shows the decorative, colored bracts during winter. Poinsettias need a lot of light and warmth to thrive. In our part of the world we can only offer you these conditions in your room.

also read

  • Do not hibernate poinsettia, but hibernate over the summer
  • Do not fertilize poinsettia too often
  • The ideal temperature for the poinsettia

Put the poinsettia outside in summer

  • Cut back after flowering
  • Repot the poinsettia
  • Set up in a partially shaded location outdoors
  • water when dry
  • Put it in a drier place if it is wet
  • fertilize occasionally
  • Bring them into the house in autumn at the latest

Poinsettias are usually disposed of when they lose their colored bracts. The plant can certainly do this several years to bloom.

After flowering, it can be taken outside over the summer to be there "Summer". Put it in a partially shaded place outside where it is not too damp. Pour them sparingly. You should not put a saucer under the pot to prevent waterlogging. If the poinsettia was not repotted in the spring, you should regularly provide it with some fertilizer.

Before you send the poinsettia to summer rest, you can cut it back if necessary. The shoots are reduced by half. In any case, you should completely remove all old flowers.

Hibernate poinsettia in the house

The poinsettia can stay outside as long as the temperatures are in the multi-digit plus range. As soon as they drop below ten degrees at night, it's time to bring the houseplant back into the house to keep it here overwinter.

Poinsettias do not tolerate sub-zero temperatures. They are therefore overwintered in the house because they provide color with their bracts during the winter.

During the Heyday the poinsettia needs a lot of light and warmth. However, do not place it directly on the heater, as the humidity is too low here. The poinsettia reacts to drafts and too much moisture from watering by losing its leaves.

Poinsettias are poisonous

As a milkweed plant, the poinsettia is in all parts poisonous. If you summer it outdoors on the terrace or balcony, make sure that neither children nor pets can get to the plant. There is a real risk of poisoning, especially for small animals.


To make a poinsettia bloom for several years, you need to have it several weeks beforehand make it darker. For at least six weeks, the plant must not get more than eleven hours of light in order to develop new colored bracts.