So she thinks about every frost

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Winter hardiness of different types

The American Trumpet flower and the hybrid Great Climbing Trumpet are down to -20 ° C hardy. You can therefore grow permanently outdoors with us. A sheltered place is still an advantage.

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The Chinese trumpet flower, on the other hand, is so sensitive to frost that it cannot survive our winters outside. For this reason, it is sensible to cultivate it in a mobile tub. Because with this she can and must flee into the house in good time before the frost.

Protect young plants

Even the winter hardy species only develop their full resistance to frost over time. Therefore, young plants still have to be protected by us in the first three years of life.

  • Cover the root area thickly with leaves
  • Put fir branches in the ground around the base of the roots
  • Tendrils if necessary with fleece u. Ä. wrap around


The increase

the trumpet flower also works very well at home. It is better to keep these delicate plants indoors in the first winter and only plant them in their permanent location in spring.

Container plants threatened by frost

All winter-hardy trumpet flowers that grow in the tub are more exposed to frost than planted specimens. Your pot is covered in icy cold on all sides, so that the earth can freeze through faster. Therefore, these trumpet flowers should only be exposed to light frost. You can do this by hibernating the plant in a garage, for example.

If the bucket has to be outside, take suitable protective measures:

  • Place the pot protected from wind and rain
  • Lay the styrofoam underneath
  • Cover the pot with fleece or raffia mats
  • Cover the root area with leaves or fir branches

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