Location, care and more (wire bush)

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Which place is suitable for the Mühlenbeckia?

The Mühlenbeckia does not need direct sunlight, on the contrary: it feels slightly shady and not too warm Location most comfortable. With its long climbing shoots, it is well suited as a Ground cover, but can also grow in height on a climbing aid. Put the Mühlenbeckia in a bucket or a balcony box, then you have beautiful plants for your terrace or balcony.

also read

  • Can I propagate the Mühlenbeckia myself?
  • How should I overwinter my Mühlenbeckia?
  • Can the Mühlenbeckia hibernate outside?

Does the Mühlenbeckia need special care?

There is only one thing that you should definitely keep in mind when caring for your Mühlenbeckia: never let the root ball get too dry. Water the Mühlenbeckia regularly, but not too much at once. The otherwise frugal plant reacts sensitively to waterlogging.

Can the Mühlenbeckia stay outside in winter?

They don't really hold up much frost Mühlenbeckia complexa the end. If the temperatures drop below -5 ° C for some time, the plant can be permanently damaged. If there is no suitable frost-free winter quarters available, you will probably have to buy a new Mühlenbeckia next year.

If, on the other hand, you have a Mühlenbeckia axillaris, you can do this well in most cases overwinter outside permit. Give this wire bush a protective layer of brushwood so it doesn't freeze to death. Make sure, however, that your Mühlenbeckia still gets enough air. Water the plant on frost-free days to prevent it from dying of thirst.

The essentials in brief:

  • Location: light and moderately warm, preferably in light shade
  • Soil: permeable
  • water regularly
  • Fertilize once or twice a month in summer
  • Hibernate Mühlenbeckia complexa frost-free if possible
  • Mühlenbeckia axillaris can overwinter outside


The Mühlenbeckia can be used in many ways as a plant for your garden, both as a ground cover and as a climbing plant.

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