When, how and why?

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The best time to cut is in late winter

A hanging elm can easily tolerate the pruning of its long branches if it is not dressed in foliage. Since the flow of sap tends to zero at this time, the measure does not put the decorative wood under stress. Ideally, choose a frost-free day with overcast weather between the end of January and the beginning of March.

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How to use the secateurs like a pro

A loving one well-groomed Hanging elm allows the branches to sprout in large numbers, which form a dense arbor. In view of an annual growth of up to 50 cm, the vigorous Ulmus glabra quickly bursts its dimensions, threatens to bald from the inside and loses its decorative shape. You can effectively prevent this shortcoming with an annual cut. That is how it goes:

  • Cut off dead branches at the base so that the Astring preserved
  • If necessary, shorten branches that are too long by up to two thirds of their length
  • Make each cut a short distance from a leaf knot

Do you get stunted or obviously frozen instincts eye, these are also completely removed. Make sure with the pruning that all regions of the drooping head of light and air are reached.

Also remove wild shoots during the year

A hanging elm is a refinement. Here, the decorative crown with the hanging branches is placed on a sturdy game base. All year round, vertical branches can sprout from this base and strive to overgrow the grafted part. Please keep an eye on these nose-wise wild shoots in order to cut them off from the trunk as soon as possible.


Elms are very picky about the nature of the soil. So that your hanging elm thrives in a vital and healthy way, please choose a location with nutrient-rich, chalky, fresh and moist and at the same time well-drained soil. In these locations, the tree bravely defies the cunning elm splint beetle and does not fall victim to the widespread Dutch elm disease, for which this pest is responsible.