The most important varieties at a glance

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How are the different types of weeping willow formed?

The cross between two different species of a plant is called a hybrid. The real weeping willow (Salix babylonica) hybridises with the following two types of willow:

  • Silver willow (Salix alba)
  • and broken willow (Salix fragilis)

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  • Propagate a weeping willow
  • Diseases of the weeping willow
  • The ideal location for a weeping willow

From this emerge the willow species with the Latin name

  • Salix × pendulina Wenderoth
  • and Salix × sepulcralis Simonk

In addition, there are many other hybrids whose exact ancestry is not yet fully known.

Perfectly adapted

The weeping willow originally comes from Asia. Unfortunately, the real, imported trees are sensitive to frost. With the ability to create hybrids, breeders succeeded in creating hardy specimens that can now be found all over Germany. It goes without saying that it is also these varieties that are mainly offered on the market.

Weeping willows for the small garden

If you want to plant a weeping willow in your own garden, you need to plan enough space. Count on a diameter of around 20 meters, in which there should be no houses, fences or other trees. If this space is not available to you, you do not have to do without a weeping willow. Simply grow the deciduous tree in a bucket, maybe even as a bonsai. A regular cut is actually all you need to consider when it comes to grooming it. Since the weeping willow is very easy to prune, frequent radical pruning does not pose any problems. In this form you can keep the weeping willow yourself on the balcony.