This is the easiest way to do it

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Cut several cuttings

To one Christmas star to multiply, cut Cuttings. The propagation of poinsettias from seeds does not usually work because no ripe seeds form in our latitudes. Poinsettias are only grown from seeds when new varieties are to be created.

also read

  • When do you need to repot a poinsettia?
  • How to Save a Poinsettia from Dying
  • The right way to summer a poinsettia

Since not all cuttings will sprout roots, you cut off more shoots than you actually need. The best time to multiply is in the spring after flowering.

Put the lower ends of the cut shoots in hot water for a short time. This closes the interfaces and milk juice can no longer escape. If the ends are not closed, the cuttings bleed and dry up.

Place cuttings correctly

  • Pots with Potting soil prepare
  • Remove the leaves from the cuttings at the bottom
  • Halve the top leaves if necessary
  • Ends with Rooting powder coat
  • Keep the substrate moist but not too wet
  • Possibly. cover with plastic wrap
  • Place the pots in a warm and bright place

You only have to cut the top leaves in half if they are very large. Otherwise, the cuttings will evaporate too much water from the leaf and dry up.

The right location for cuttings

Place the pots with the poinsettia cuttings in a warm, bright place. Temperatures from 20 degrees are ideal. Avoid direct sunlight, as the shoots dry out quickly.

Maintain cuttings until they are rooted

Keep the soil well moist, but make sure that no waterlogging can occur. If you have covered the pots with foil, you should ventilate them regularly so that the cuttings do not go moldy.

As soon as the poinsettia sprouts again, you know whether the reproduction has worked. Plant the Offshoot in larger pots when they have developed at least two pairs of leaves.

Peel off the poinsettia

A poinsettia can also be propagated by peeling. To do this, a wedge is cut into a strong shoot. In this wedge you put a cutting that you cut diagonally at the bottom and treated with heat.

Wrap the area with crepe paper or other absorbent material and keep it well moist.

Bring poinsettia offshoots to bloom

So that the new Christmas stars red you need to put them in the dark for several weeks beforehand. The poinsettia is a short-day plant that only develops its colored bracts after a dark phase.

The plants need a location for six to eight weeks where they get less than eleven to twelve hours of light.


So that the young plants branch better, cut them back more often. Then the plants become bushier and develop more shoots with colored bracts.

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