Bougainvillea does not bloom »What could be the reason?

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The peculiarities of the bougainvillea flowers

Bougainvilleas are also called triplet flowers - for the intense, splendid color spectacle in red, purple, orange or white that the What makes climbing plant from the Andes so popular are the three bracts responsible for the actual, rather inconspicuous flowers surround. As decorative as these structures are, they are also sophisticated. In order to lure them out, they need a lot of light and warmth above all, according to their subtropical home. But the right substrate at its base can also be decisive for its willingness to flower.

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So you have to keep in mind:

  • Bougainvillea flowers are fundamentally demanding
  • They are very hungry for heat and light
  • A species-appropriate supply of nutrients is a basic requirement for their education

Is the location sunny and warm enough?

In view of the great hunger for light and warmth of the bougainvillea, you should first check the site conditions if it does not bloom. Does he make the most of the sun as possible? If possible, place your bougainvillea in a south-facing location, the best is of course a winter garden with panoramic sun exposure. But sun is often not enough for the beauty of the Andes - warmth is at least as important for flower formation. So give it the warmest possible ambient temperature, not just during the day, but also at night.

Has the substrate been put together appropriately?

The soil in which you plant your bougainvillea is also essential for it to thrive and for flowers to develop. It is best to use peat-free potted plant soil, which you enrich with substances that promote permeability. For example Quartz sand(€ 14.90 at Amazon *) or Lava granules(€ 14.00 at Amazon *) be. You can also add a small amount to the substrate to give it a permanent nutrient base Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) add. Clay can also be good for the base.

Fertilizing can help

If all the basic requirements are correct, you can provide your bougainvillea with extra flowering fertilizer. Basically, you should give her a phosphate-containing fertilizer every 2 weeks from spring to late summer.

Don't pour too much

If the bougainvillea does not want to bloom, try not to water it - you risk waterlogging, which is more of an obstacle to the plant's all-round growth. Of course, the base must not be dried out. In this case, watering can of course be helpful.

Delayed budding after hibernation?

When you watch your bougainvillea expectantly in spring and you just don't get the one you long for If you want to bring flowers, the previous hibernation can also be responsible for your hesitation be. If the bougainvillea did not have enough light in its winter quarters, budding can be delayed in the following vegetation phase. So here you have to be patient - just give your climbing beauty even more time and continue to take care of its preferred environmental conditions.