A distinction is made between these varieties

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Classification of different types of cypress

  • Real cypress
  • False cypress
  • hybrid
  • Bastard cypress
  • Indoor cypress

The botanical name of the cypress is Cupressus, the Latin name of the False cypress is Chamaecyparis. They all belong to the genus of the conifers and here to the conifers. Cypresses are very long-lived trees. There are specimens that are estimated to be 400 years old.

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False cypresses differ from real cypresses in that they have more flattened branches. The cones are also smaller than those of the real cypress.

The botanist understands hybrid cypresses to be cultivated forms that have arisen from different cypress species. An example of a hybrid cypress is the Leyland cypress, which was grown from the Monterey cypress and Nootka false cypress.

Use of cypress trees in the home and garden

Cypress trees are in Gardens drawn as single trees or as hedge planted. Because of their rapid growth, they form a good privacy screen. Indoor cypresses can also be grown indoors.

Many cypress species are suitable for maintenance in the bucket. Here, however, you have to pour more often. The planters must have a sufficiently large water drainage so that no waterlogging can occur.

Almost all cypress species prefer to be as sunny as possible Location, but also grow well in partially shaded locations.

The care of the cypress species

Cypress trees need humus-rich, slightly acidic soil. The soil must always be slightly moist, whereby waterlogging must be avoided.

That Fertilize of cypress trees is usually superfluous because the trees can cope with little nutrients.

Most cypress species tolerate pruning very well. You can easily cut into shape. However, pruning back into the old wood should be avoided, as no new shoots will grow in these areas.

Cypresses are only partially hardy

Most cypress species cannot tolerate sub-zero temperatures over a longer period of time. Cypress trees that are set outdoors therefore need a protected location, for example in front of a wall. Alternatively, they are protected from severe frost with mulch blankets.

The biggest problem in winter is too little moisture. On frost-free days, cypresses also need to be supplied with water in winter.

Cypress trees are poisonous

Caution should be exercised when planting cypress trees in gardens where children and pets are present. All cypress species are poisonous. They contain thujone as well as essential oils.

In sensitive people, contact with the sap can cause skin inflammation.

If needles, cones or shoots of the cypress are eaten, there are sometimes severe symptoms of poisoning.


A type of cypress that can cope with very inhospitable conditions is the so-called Sahara cypress. The species found in the Tassili n’Ajjer massif in the Algerian Sahara is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The population estimated at 153 to 213 is under nature protection.