Planting and transplanting hostas in 5 steps

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Transplant hostas

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  • Wait for the point in time
  • Dig up properly
  • Taper if necessary
  • Choose location
  • Note the planting distance

Hostas, also known as heart lilies, originally come from Asia. Here they have adapted to special living spaces. In the home garden, the ornamental leaf shrubs thrive in locations that are difficult to plant. The following article reveals how to properly plant and transplant hostas.

Wait for the point in time

Hostas are considered to be very hardy. However, young plants tolerate late frosts less well, which affects the timing of planting. If you want to transplant the ornamental shrub, you should pay attention to the growth and rest phases. Hostas survive the relocation work better if they are carried out before their main growing season. At this point they are about to sprout and can put their energy into the formation of new roots after the action. The risk of damage to the hostas is high when transplanting during the growing season in summer. If you move the ornamental plants in autumn, the rooting phase is not yet complete before winter. Therefore, you should pay attention to suitable protection during the frosty season. Your annual calendar for transplanting hostas looks like this:

white-edged gray leaf - funkie
  • February to March: Dig up, divide and replant ingrown perennials
  • April: Transplant well-ingrown perennials without parts
  • Middle of May: Plant freshly purchased perennials
  • Mid-August to mid-September: move old perennials without dividing them

Dig up properly

Funkia develop a horizontal root system, which is composed of short and often branched rhizomes. Occasionally they form runners. The size of the root ball often differs depending on the soil in which the species grow. On a nutrient-rich soil with fresh conditions, their rhizome system corresponds to the natural growth and runs flat through the substrate. If the perennials grow on sandy and rather dry soil, the roots also go in search of water in deeper soil layers. Your root system can then reach considerable proportions. After you have checked the soil conditions at the place of growth, proceed as follows:

  • Cut off the root ball generously with a sturdy spade
  • possible root losses are tolerated
  • Use the spade as a lever to lift the perennial out of the hole
  • Put together with the soil in a cardboard box for transport

Taper if necessary


Older hostas lose their vigor over time and should not only be planted in a new location, but also divided. The rejuvenation ensures that the ornamental leaf is revitalized and encouraged to sprout again. A division should take place every four to five years. To do this, use a spade to cut the root ball into several pieces. There should be a piece of rhizome on each part of the plant so that the plant can put down new roots. Check the rhizomes for rotten and dead spots, which you will remove before planting.

Tip: When dividing weak-growing varieties, make sure that the sections have at least two shoot buds.

Choose location

Hosta species prefer a humus-rich soil that can be sandy to loamy. With their foliage, hostas have adapted to partially shaded to shady growing locations. The leaf areas are particularly large, so that the perennials can also make optimal use of low light conditions. Cool locations with uniform humidity ensure that the loss of liquid through the leaves is kept to a minimum. The soil should ensure fresh to moderately moist conditions. Yellow-leaved species and varieties need sufficient light conditions so that their leaf color can develop. The prerequisite for the healthy growth of these light-loving varieties is an optimal water supply:

Hosta plantaginea
Hosta plantaginea, source: I, Hugo.arg, HostaPlantaginea001, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0


  • plantaginea grows in sunny and warm locations
  • x cultorum 'Sum and Substance' can be planted in the sun
  • Sieboldiana 'August Moon' is considered sun-tolerant

Note the planting distance

The distance at which the hostas should be planted depends on the height and size of the plant. These factors differ depending on the type and variety. Smaller cultivated forms are satisfied with a close neighborhood, while higher growing cultivars take up more space. If in doubt, it is better to place the plants at a greater distance from one another. Basically, you can use these details as a guide:

Plant spacing

  • between 20 to 30 cm: for small varieties under 15 cm
  • from 90 cm: for classic cultivated forms up to 80 cm height
  • between 100 and 150 cm: for giants up to one meter in height

Tip: Plant large hostas in a stand-alone position and combine them with flat-growing ones Ground cover. Hazel root, Günsel, fragrant violets and elven flowers do not compete with the hosta species.

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