How much compost per square meter?

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How much compost per square meter do you need?

As a rule of thumb, you should expect three liters of compost per square meter of garden bed.

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However, this value can vary greatly if heavily draining or weakly consuming plants should be fertilized with the compost.

  • 3 liters of compost per square meter
  • for heavily consuming plants up to 4 liters
  • with weakly consuming plants a maximum of 2 liters

This is why compost is such a good fertilizer

By the Fertilize many useful microorganisms are added to the soil with compost. This significantly improves the health of the soil.

Before adding the compost, loosen up the soil a little. Lightly rake the material into the soil.

Fresh compost must not be given to the roots or to cuttings and young plants.

Use very acidic compost

When composting Walnut leaves, Thuja and grass clippings, the compost can be very acidic. It is therefore advisable to mix it well with other materials and only ever add a few of these substances to the compost at once.

Very acidic compost is only suitable for bog plants such as azaleas, Hydrangeas, Rhododendrons etc.

If you want to supply other garden plants with it, you should use the Liming compostto improve the pH.

Do soil analysis

In fact, it is hardly possible to overfertilize a garden with compost. The nutrients are released very slowly. In contrast, mineral fertilizers are much more problematic.

If you are not sure how yours Garden soil you should take soil samples from various places and have them analyzed in the laboratory. This is particularly useful if you have put the compost together on one side.

In this way you can determine exactly which nutrients are missing in which areas and improve them with the appropriate amount of compost or other fertilizers.


A good composition of the compost ensures very high quality humus. Mix wet and dry materials and never put too much of a fabric on the compost heap at once.

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