Recognize and treat diseases

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also read

  • Diseases in the plum tree: identify, treat, prevent
  • Strelizie - Detect and prevent diseases and pests
  • This is how you bring your hot peppers safely through the winter

Symptoms of a disease

  • blotchy leaves
  • Leaves deform
  • Leaves fade
  • increased leaf shedding
  • The whole plant dies

Possible diseases

The hot peppers are actually a very resistant plant. Nevertheless, there are some diseases and, above all, more pests that can damage your crops:

  • Alfalfa mosaic virus
  • Woodlice
  • Breathlessness or falling sickness
  • Aphids
  • Chili Veinal Mottle Virus
  • Powdery mildew and downy mildew
  • Frost wrench
  • Fusarium wilt
  • Cucumber mosaic virus
  • Potato Y Virus
  • Pepper Mottle Virus
  • Rust disease
  • Red spiders
  • Beet curl disease
  • Snails
  • Weevil
  • Tobacco etch virus
  • Tobacco Mosaic Virus
  • Sciarid gnats
  • Thrips
  • Verticillium wilt disease
  • Whitefly


If you discover a disease early on, there is a good chance you can get your hot peppers back to health. With these measures it is guaranteed to succeed:

  • Spray the plant in spring
  • Do not keep the greenhouse too sterile (otherwise wonderful breeding grounds for parasites are created)
  • attract natural enemies (ladybugs, spiders, etc.)
  • Secateurs always clean well


If the outside temperature approaches the freezing point, you must inevitably bring your peppers into the warm. Use this time to extensively examine your plants for pest infestation. If you discover a disease in one of your specimens, you should use appropriate remedies and store the plant separately until the symptoms have completely resolved.

It is also important not to negligently dispose of an infected pepper in the compost so that the parasite does not spread. Use special organic garbage bags for this.

Rescue is not always possible

Unfortunately, there is not (yet) a suitable remedy for every disease. In this case, you shouldn't invest any money in rebuilding. the sowing or buying a new plant is definitely more worthwhile.

Illness or care mistake?

Just because your hot peppers make a bad impression, for example yellow leaves, does not mean that you should worry about an illness. Sometimes it is very simple care mistakes that cause the appearance. Fortunately, these can be fixed quickly once they are discovered. Possible are

  • wrong pouring
  • too little light
  • Waterlogging
  • too cold temperatures