The clover as a pointer plant

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What the concept of pointer plants is all about

Pointer plants are used for certain types of plants that can only thrive in a location with a relatively specific quality of soil, light and water supply. There are therefore so-called pointer plants for the most diverse criteria of a location:

  • Calcium deficiency
  • Lime abundance
  • Nitrogen content
  • humus soil
  • poor soil

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In the case of white clover, for example, it is said that it can indicate a rather lime-rich soil at its location. On the other hand, white clover vegetation says nothing about the nitrogen content, as it does popular green manure can even bind nitrogen from the air.

The red clover as a pointer plant

Sometimes the white clover is also perceived as an annoying troublemaker in a lawn, when it is not itself Substitute for lawn serves. Most of the time, it is the disturbing clover nests in the lawn, but also the ones that are clearly highlighted in color

Wood sorrel of the genus Oxalis with its typical reddish leaves. This is considered a pointer plant for a rather lime-poor soil and also for shady locations. It often spreads successfully in a lawn area when the grass is already significantly weakened by factors such as lack of nutrients or lack of light.

Fight the clover in the lawn properly

One way to control the red sorrel in the lawn is by spreading it Garden lime.(€ 9.70 at Amazon *) Most importantly, however, the clover is targeted through a To displace lawn fertilization. Besides, you can too Clover species like the red and white clover with one Scarifier up from the ground. However, it is imperative that you immediately fill the empty spaces with fresh, finely crumbly soil and germinable grass seeds. So that there is no strong spread of Clover in the lawn or Bed comes, individual specimens should be located early on and gouged out deeply.


Often it is not just the deficiency symptoms of the soil that are the reason for the growth of clover stands in the lawn. Perhaps the grass in your garden has also been weakened by the lawnmower cutting depth too low. In this case, let the lawn grow a little higher, as the clover can cope well with low heights.