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Lay the foundation

So that the wall is stable, the foundation should be concreted. Proceed as follows:

  • Dig the foundation trench about 80 centimeters deep and slightly wider than the future wall should be.
  • Build a formwork from wooden slats and wedge it over the trench.
  • Fill the bottom of the pit with gravel, which is well compacted.
  • If necessary, provide reinforcement with sticks and reinforcement (iron mat).
  • Apply formwork oil, otherwise the formwork will stick.
  • Mix concrete from one part Portland cement and five parts gravel sand until thick.
  • Do a fluid test: Put a blob of the material on a board and tap it with a hammer. The concrete must not melt.
  • Fill in the trench and the formwork protruding beyond it and compact the concrete with a wooden tamper.
  • Let dry.

also read

  • Raising garden wall - this is how you need to proceed
  • Build a garden wall from sand-lime brick yourself
  • Gluing a garden wall instead of mortar - that's how it works

Erect a concrete wall

With modern concrete blocks that look like natural stone, you can easily pull up a wall. This is done using the thin-bed method with a thin layer of mortar, which makes the work much easier for inexperienced bricklayers.

Tool list

  • Metal hammer
  • chisel
  • trowel
  • Scharriereisen
  • Hand Brush
  • Band-Aids
  • Angle grinder with diamond cutting disc

The devices can be borrowed inexpensively from many hardware stores and you do not have to buy them yourself.

The first row of stones is placed on the hardened concrete:

  • Cock one Guideline,(€ 7.13 at Amazon *) which specifies the height and the course.
  • Thin-bed adhesive that is applied no thicker than half a centimeter results in a tight, clean joint pattern.
  • Layer the stones in layers and always check the perpendicular and alignment. Careful work pays off.
  • In the case of long walls, additional pillars provide stability.
  • The new garden wall is covered with head plates made of the same concrete material. These protect the joints from rain.


Concrete block manufacturers offer special wall systems. Using the modular principle, these can also be used by laypeople to build very attractive garden walls that can hardly be distinguished from natural stone walls.

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