The sweet cherry as a standard trunk »Interesting facts about the properties

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What is different about a high trunk than a half trunk?

The trunk height is different. The stem of a sweet cherry that is on High trunk is usually 180 cm high when you use it plants. To get such a tall trunk, the sweet cherry is grafted on a strong base.

also read

  • The sweet cherry as a half-stem
  • Planting a sweet cherry: how's it going right?
  • The star magnolia as a high trunk - advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the sweet cherry as a standard stem

There are numerous advantages of a sweet cherry that is grafted on a standard stem. Such a cherry tree looks picturesque and in old age shaping the landscape. There is a lot of space under its crown, which can be used for a bed, for example, or as a seat and shade in the garden.

Further advantages are that the sweet cherries grafted on the high stem usually reach a higher age than a half stem. High tribes like to live up to 50 years old (and older). They also offer more living space for animals, higher yields (up to 300 kg), can act as wind protection and require less care.

What are the disadvantages?

But putting all the advantages in the background, there are also disadvantages with a high trunk. For example, it is more difficult to approach the sweet cherry on the high stem cut or they from diseased shoots and leaves to free.

Picking the fruit is also more complicated. Most of the time it is only possible with the help of a large ladder. But in old age and with a size of up to 30 m you can no longer reach the fruit even with a ladder.

Other disadvantages are:

  • higher risk of accidents B. from falling branches, during harvest, etc.
  • more time spent harvesting
  • different yields every year
  • full yields to be expected only after 10 to 15 years
  • only suitable for larger plots - high space requirements and minimum plant spacing of 8 m

Tips & Tricks

For an individual, a high-stemmed sweet cherry with its yields of up to 300 kg is quickly too much. For a large family, on the other hand, such a tall tree is a real asset.