How to grow the fragrant tree

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Eucalyptus need a bright one Location. Staying on a south-facing window sill or terrace is ideal. Preferably place the tree a little protected.

also read

  • Keep the eucalyptus in the garden
  • The eucalyptus as a high trunk
  • The flower of the eucalyptus


  • In the bucket on the terrace
  • On the balcony
  • in the pot as Houseplant
  • As a solitaire in the garden bed

Keeping the tree in a bucket is highly recommended for overwintering, as in this case you can bring the tree into the house. Placed on the balcony or terrace, its intense scent keeps mosquitoes and insects away. Note that other plants could suffer from the eucalyptus if you plant this in the bed.


The substrate must be well permeable to prevent waterlogging. Work in additional compost for a better supply.

Important facts

  • Planting depth: 20 cm
  • Maintain sufficient distance from other plants; the eucalyptus can grow up to five meters high without pruning
  • Plant spacing as High trunk: 75 cm
  • Permeable soil
  • A lot of sun
  • Except for Eucalyptus gunii, frost protection required
  • Pay attention to light germination when growing yourself

Beware of children and pets

If children and pets run the risk of consuming tree parts, you should plant the eucalyptus well weigh up. Some parts are minor poisonous. Think about the neighborhood kids too. You shouldn't be directing the tree to the Property line plants.


  1. Choose a suitable location (see above).
  2. Dig a hole.
  3. Loosen the soil.
  4. Put a layer of compost on top of the soil.
  5. Put in the eucalyptus.
  6. Fill up the hole and step on the earth well.
  7. Immediately water the earth.