Growing pepper »Is that also possible at home?

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Pull pepper from seeds

You can get pepper seeds u. a. at well-stocked garden centers or on the Internet. the Growing from seeds is quite difficult because the grains do not germinate reliably and the young plants are also quite susceptible. In principle, the seeds can be planted all year round, provided that you can offer the pepper bush tropical conditions all year round. The seeds are simply put in a jar with Potting soil plugged in, kept warm and kept well moist. They germinate at around 27 to 30 ° C and high humidity. However, you can take care of the latter with the help of a spray bottle. If there is already a pepper bush, it is easier to propagate using cuttings. You can get the fruits about eight months after flowering harvest and process.

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What kind of pepper can you train to become a bonsai?

Sometimes you can marvel at pepper bonsais from breeders and passionate hobby designers. However, these are not plants of the genus Piper Nigrum, but the so called Szechuan pepper (Zanthoxylum piperitum), also as mountain pepper or Chinese pepper known. This species is not related to the real pepper, but, on the contrary, to the citrus family. The real pepper, on the other hand, is unsuitable as a bonsai plant.

Properly care for pepper

Pepper prefers a permeable, nutrient-rich substrate Humus soil and sand, which you can mix yourself in a 3: 1 ratio. Otherwise, the plant needs a partially shaded, warm location - the ambient temperature must never fall below 18 ° C. In the absence of tropical trees, you can offer your pepper bush - after all, it is a climbing plant - an alternative climbing aid. It is important, however, that you mist the plant with a spray bottle at least once a day to keep the humidity high enough. You only need to water moderately - it is sufficient to just keep the substrate slightly moist. A fertilization with liquid Complete fertilizer takes place every two weeks. Since it is an evergreen tropical plant and the tropics only have a time of day, but not a season, care remains the same throughout the year.

Tips & Tricks

Another very interesting, but significantly easier to care for, alternative is the Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolius), also known as pink pepper or Christmas berry. This tree, which is up to several meters high, can be overwintered in a cool, but frost-free manner in winter.


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