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What is cream cheese?

Cream cheese is not just what it says on it: In addition to the well-known spread, which is labeled as cream cheese, other processed dairy products belong to the group of cream cheeses. In addition to cottage cheese and ricotta, it also includes mascarpone and even quark, for example.
The tips and information described below apply to all of these dairy products on the refrigerated shelf.

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What are the problems with freezing cream cheese?

From a health perspective, there are no concerns about freezing cream cheese. Freezing prevents the reproduction of microbes, which is why the product can be enjoyed just as safely after freezing and gently thawing as freshly purchased cream cheese.
The problem, however, is the consistency of the cheese after thawing: cream cheese has a high water content. When freezing, the water will settle and the cheese will be crumbly or flaky after defrosting. The cream cheese may then no longer be suitable as a spread on bread or to be eaten on its own.

However, if the cream cheese is to be further processed, especially used for cooking, the consistency usually does not matter. For processing in the kitchen, previously frozen cream cheese can be used without any problems.

Freeze, thaw and process cream cheese

Before freezing, you should transfer the cream cheese to a container that is suitable for freezing. Tightly lockable boxes made of plastic or stainless steel are well suited. The cream cheese can be kept in the *** freezer for about six months.
You have two options for defrosting:

  • You can defrost the cream cheese slowly and gently in the refrigerator. Due to the continuous cooling, harmful germs cannot multiply on the cream cheese and you can also eat it unheated. If the cream cheese is very crumbly after defrosting, you can stir it until smooth with a little milk. If necessary, it is also possible to puree it with a hand blender. Cream cheese thawed in this way is used, for example, in cake fillings or in cream cheese dips.
  • To use the cream cheese in cooked dishes, you can simply put it in frozen form directly in the saucepan or pan. You can use cream cheese to refine pasta sauces or stir-fry vegetables, for example.

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