This is how you raise your rose stems

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The best time is in spring

Experienced rose gardeners do not cut their stem roses according to the calendar. Depending on the region, the optimal time can be postponed by up to three weeks. Nature gives an unmistakable indication of when the time window for the Rose cut opens. When the forsythias bloom, the ideal pruning date for the queen of flowers has come. This includes the crowns of tree roses.

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  • Hibernate tree roses properly
  • Plant and care for rose trees correctly
  • Plant roses correctly: put the grafting point under the ground

Cut stem roses like bed roses

Tree roses have a special position in terms of pruning. This is a valuable type of rose that is grafted onto a trunk as a crown. The transition from trunk to precious crown, the so-called refinement point, becomes a floral “eye of the needle”. The aim of pruning is to stimulate the grafting department to continuously sprout young rose branches. The procedure is similar to the pruning of floribunda roses. How to do it right:

  • In the first step, remove dead, damaged and sickly shoots
  • Cut back the remaining crown branches to 3 to 5 eyes
  • Rose scissors Place 5 mm above a bud
  • Hold the scissors at a slight angle so that rainwater and irrigation water run off quickly
  • Basic rule: the weaker a shoot, the stronger the pruning

Starting with the fourth year of standing, we recommend continuous rejuvenation. To do this, select the oldest scaffold shoot to open it at the base Astring to cut off. The measure stimulates the sprouting of young branches within the grafting department, of which you leave the strongest specimen as a successor in the following year. So that the crown of a stem rose does not become matted in the long run, you should limit the number of crown shoots so that light-flooded growth is ensured.

Clean the crown in summer

If your standard rose is to be refined with a rose variety that blooms more often, another cut back is on the maintenance program in summer. When three quarters of the flowers have wilted, set the stage for a second flower pile. To do this, cut the withered flowers back to the next fully developed leaflet.

Due to the exposed position of a tree rose crown, isolated, wilted flowers fall uncomfortably into it eye. Rose gardeners with a weakness for a consistently well-groomed appearance cut out each bloomed rose blossom individually. The reward for the effort is a seamless transition from the first to the second flower festival.


A rule of thumb of the Cutting techniques is overridden on tree roses. The ideal cut in the upper center of the crown does not start with an outward-facing bud. So that no unsightly gap can form in the crown, please intentionally choose a bud that points into the inside of the crown, so that you can cut at this point at a distance of 5 millimeters.