Hornwort (horn leaf) and waterweed »(K) A good combination?

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Enormous urge to multiply

Under ideal conditions, more than 500 new specimens will form after just four months from a single waterweed placed in the pond. It is therefore obvious that regular “mucking out” is the order of the day. The associated time expenditure could mean some pond or Entice aquarium owners to forego the waterweed entirely.

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Useful properties

Before you say no to the waterweed, you should perhaps also know its positive properties.

  • takes away nutrients from the algae
  • thus prevents algae bloom
  • stays green even in winter
  • thus supplies the water with oxygen all year round

In addition, waterweed is tolerant of fluctuations in water temperature and thus thrives in practically every pond and at any time.

Hornwort as a companion

Hornwort, often called horn leaf, and waterweed are two competing plants. Waterweed cannot spread unchecked where hornwort grows. After all, a seat that is already occupied cannot be allocated a second time.

These two types of plants are not only fighting for space. Both also need plenty of nutrients. The hornwort as a heavy consumer leaves less for the waterweed, so that this fact alone contributes to a lower rate of reproduction.

Coexistence is possible

Hornwort only displaces the waterweed to a certain extent. It will never completely destroy them. If both are in the same pond, a natural equilibrium will be established after a certain period of time. So it is possible that both types coexist at the same time.

A successful combination

That both plants find their place in the pond is an ideal situation. The pond continues to benefit from the beneficial properties of waterweed. This prevents algae bloom and the water is well supplied with oxygen. At the same time, the reproduction problem is largely solved by planting hornwort.

By the way, you can too Hornwort against algae insert. It grows quickly and thus deprives them of their breeding ground. If you need more cornea, you can simply divide it multiply.


Hornwort is also suitable for deep ponds. You can do it up to a depth of 1.5 m plant

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