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How are the branches of the apple tree tied down?

You can hang the branches on a trellis tie up by weights complain or fasten to a pole construction set up around the tree. It is also important that the shoots are still young and flexible so that they do not break.

The horizontal young shoots form more and faster flower buds and bear fruit in the following year. The tying down of the branches is therefore to Increase in yield of the apple tree at least as important as the correct cut.

You should see the branches of the apple tree in June or July tie down. At this point they are not yet lignified and can be easily bent without breaking. After a few months, the fixation is removed and remains at the optimum 45 degree angle as the wood hardens.

It's particularly easy, of course tying to the taut wires of a trellis.


Only carry out winter pruning in March

In autumn and winter, the apple tree should never be cut back. During this time, the fruit tree is not able to close the wounds promptly. As a result, parasites and germs could penetrate the tree and cause massive damage. The right time for winter pruning is March or April, when severe frosts are no longer to be expected.