The most common uninvited guests in the garden

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Determine weeds

In order to tackle weeds early and sustainably, you should be able to reliably identify the plants and their preferred location. The visible features differ in terms of:

  • Leaf shape (leaf blade),
  • Blossom,
  • Root,
  • Heyday,
  • Height,
  • Location.

also read

  • Fight weeds in an environmentally friendly way by hoeing
  • Home remedies for weeds: potato water
  • Covering weeds with a tarp: how to starve weeds

Train your eyeby looking closely at the plants growing in your garden. Also pay attention to the place in which these prefer to thrive.

Wild herb books or the Internet can help with the determination of names. There are now some apps for smartphones that help you identify wild plants.

Which weeds are very common?

There are some weed plants that can be found in almost every garden. This includes the Giersch, whose characteristics we have listed in the following table:

characteristic description
Location Shady, prefers moist, nitrogenous soils. Giersch thrives under trees, but also spreads in beds.
Leaf shape Very distinctive. Ovate, elongated leaves with serrated edges and hairy on the underside. They are brightly colored medium green. The leaf blade is divided into three pinnate leaves.
blossom Giersch blooms from May to September. The weeds form ten to twenty small umbels per inflorescence. These are pure white to slightly reddish in color.
Height 30 to 100 centimeters

The common couch grass is also one of the very stubborn weeds, with which many gardeners struggle:

characteristic description
Location Prefers nitrogen-containing soils and, in addition to meadows and roadsides, also colonizes open bedding areas.
Leaf shape Long, narrow, green leaves that grow to be anywhere from five to twelve inches long.
blossom the Couch grass forms spikes from June to August that are five to twenty centimeters long.
Height 50 to 150 centimeters

On the basis of these characteristics, other weeds such as dandelion, thistle or the very can also be identified stubborn winds, a creeper, identify. If you also concern yourself with the appearance of the ornamental and useful plants you have sown, you will quickly learn to distinguish wild plants from the green you want.


Some weeds, such as ground elder, are edible and even extremely tasty. That is why they are far too good to be used after weeding in the Organic waste bin or land on the compost.

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