This is what the sea urchin cactus needs

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How do you water Astrophytum asterias properly?

Water moderately with lime-free water during the growth phase. Let the substrate dry out between waterings. In any case, avoid waterlogging!

also read

  • Astrophytum asterias (sea urchin cactus) - tips on culture
  • Properly caring for Astrophytum - tips on care
  • Tips for caring for Melocactus (melon cactus)

Astrophytum asterias copes well with low humidity. Still, the cactus likes it when you spray it with a little water from time to time. But then you have to reduce the pouring quantities.

What should be considered when fertilizing?

Fertilize is not absolutely necessary. If you do not want to do without fertilizer entirely, it is sufficient if you administer liquid fertilizer at monthly intervals during the growth phase.

When is it time to repot?

You do not have to repot Astrophytum asterias until the pot is completely rooted. Repotting takes place in early spring. Shake off the old substrate well before placing the cactus in a larger container with fresh soil.

After repotting, you should not fertilize Astrophytum for several months.

Are there diseases and pests?

Too much moisture causes root rot. The Astrophytum suffers relatively often from root lice. So check it out again and again.

The following also occur as pests:

  • Mealybug
  • Mealybugs
  • Thrips

When does the Astrophytum asterias take a break?

The sea urchin cactus pauses in winter. During this time it is placed cooler but bright. While normal room temperatures are sufficient in summer, they should be reduced to seven to ten degrees in winter. As long as it is warm enough outside, you can keep the cactus outside cultivate.

How do you care for Astrophytum asterias in winter?

Water the Astrophytum asterias very sparingly during the winter. The earth is allowed to dry out. The sea urchin cactus is not fertilized in winter.


The substrate for Astrophytum asterias should not be too nutritious. We recommend a mixture of two parts of compost-based soil and one part of sharp sand or Perlite.(€ 355.00 at Amazon *) Good permeability is important to avoid waterlogging.

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