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The poinsettia and its blossom

Most noticeable are the bracts of the poinsettia. The flower itself can be found above the bracts. It consists of a single female flower surrounded by a wreath of male flowers.

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It is so inconspicuous that you only notice it on closer inspection.

Why does the poinsettia have the eye-catching bracts?

The bracts, botanically known as bracts, are used in nature to attract insects. They fertilize the flowers so that seeds can form in them. When growing as a houseplant, germinable seeds are almost never produced. That’s why Offshoot of the poinsettia pulled from cuttings.

Poinsettia bloom

The small flowers appear shortly after the bracts sprout from November. The poinsettia blooms well into February if it is good groomed will.

If you have a poinsettia at a different time of year to bloom this is easily possible.

You only have to ensure that the poinsettia receives less than twelve hours of light per day for six to eight weeks beforehand. That can be done in utterly by one location

Darkness as well as by briefly covering with an opaque paper bag.


Poinsettias come in different sizes sorts. Species with strong red bracts are most common. But there are also cream-colored, yellow, orange and variegated leaf colors.