12 indoor plants for dark corners

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12 indoor plants for dark corners

Even if there are dark corners in the room or apartment, there is no need to do without the cultivation of green plants. Various indoor plants are listed below that do better in dark locations than in bright light or the blazing sun.

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In a nutshell

  • many green plants that prefer a dark location
  • Sunlight can burn the leaves
  • Indoor plants also need fertilizer during the growing season
  • as a rule, the plants cultivated in dark corners do not bloom
  • green houseplants are great for purifying the air

Table of contents

  • Indoor plants from B to D
  • Houseplants with E
  • F to G
  • Indoor plants for dark corners from K to N
  • frequently asked Questions

Indoor plants from B to D

bow hemp (Sansevieria)

The easy-care one has also been in German homes for many years bow hemp. Dark corners are on suitable location, it must not be too bright. It is important for the plant that it does not get too cool in the room.

different types of bow hemp (Sansevieria)
different bow hemp species (Sansevieria species)
  • Temperature not below 15° Celsius
  • little water
  • only water about every three to four weeks
  • Hydroponics is ideal for this plant
  • from March to October only fertilize a little every three to four weeks

dragon tree (dracaena)

The dragon tree does not make any special demands on its location, so it is well suited for both bright and dark corners of the room. Regular repotting in larger tubs guarantees that the plant can grow very tall.

Dragon Tree (Dracaena)
  • Temperature never below 15° Celsius
  • Substrate not very nutritious and well drained
  • also for hydroponics well suited
  • water regularly but little
  • use lime-free water
  • Give suitable liquid fertilizer about every two weeks during the growing season

Houseplants with E

ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

The ivy adapts to its environment. The popular houseplant does well in both high and low light and is therefore suitable for dark corners. Here, for example, she can find a place on a cupboard and let her long tendrils grow downwards.

Efeutute (Epipremnum)
  • water about once a week
  • top layer of soil should be dry
  • The substrate is well drained and rich in nutrients and humus
  • fertilize every two weeks throughout spring and summer
  • unfortunately poisonous

Tip: The ivy can on a rod also grow upwards. In addition, it is easy to multiply.

A leaf (Spathiphyllum)

The A leaf is also known as the peace lily. As the plant is prone to sunburn, a dark corner is perfect as a location. Known for ridding the air of toxins, the green plant is also perfect for the bedroom.

Solid Leaf (Spathiphyllum)
However, the single sheet also tolerates lighter locations where it is e.g. B. only gets the morning or evening sun.

The Care is quite simple:

  • produces large white flowers
  • Flowering period from June to September
  • Fertilize once a week during flowering
  • needs a lot of water
  • Substrate rich in nutrients and humus and well drained
  • suitable for hydroponics

A notice: The leaflet is one of them poisonous plants.

elephant ear (Alocasia)

The also under the name Riesenblättriges arrow sheet well-known plant grows up to two meters high in pot cultivation and therefore requires a lot of space in a room. Dark to semi-dark locations are preferred.

Elephant Ear (Alocasia)
  • Temperature in the room never falls below 15° Celsius
  • Keep the substrate moist all year round, even in winter
  • Fertilize regularly from March to September
  • Liquid fertilizer every one to two weeks is ideal
  • Substrate generally well drained and rich in nutrients

F to G

window leaf (Monstera)

The plant can also find a place in less bright locations. Corners near east or west windows are ideal here. Because if the location is too dark, the decorative holes and slits of the monstera in the large leaves.

Window leaf (Monstera minima)
Window Leaf (Monstera 'Minima')

The rugged climbing plant requires little maintenance:

  • Water when the top layer of soil has dried
  • with liquid fertilizer for green plants fertilize during the growing season
  • Sticks with long-term fertilizer are also suitable

money tree (Crassula ovata)

The money tree Also known as a penny tree, it is said to bring luck into your own four walls. The plant does not make any great demands on the location and does well even in dark corners. Direct sunlight should be avoided due to the risk of sunburn on the leaves.

Money Tree (Crassula ovata)

The succulent requires little care:

  • Substrate poor in nutrients and well drained
  • pour little
  • Water with cactus or succulent fertilizer
  • over the summer only about once a month

Tip: Succulents store the water they absorb in their thick, fleshy leaves and can thus survive longer periods without adding water.

lucky feather (Zamioculcas)

In the lucky feather It is a robust and very easy to care for plant. She makes few demands. If she is in a dark corner, her leaves will turn really dark green and decorative.

Lucky Feather (Zamioculcas)
  • water sparingly
  • in a dark corner of the room only every four weeks
  • liquid fertilizer about once a month during the growing season
  • Substrate poor in nutrients, well-drained to loamy

Indoor plants for dark corners from K to N

climbing philodendron (Philodendron scandens)

The climbing plant likes to avoid direct sunlight and feels at home in a dark corner of the room. Therefore, it has been a popular houseplant for decades:

  • Substrate rich in humus and poor in lime
  • likes it wet
  • ideally water with lime-free water
  • don't wait for the soil to dry
  • However, avoid waterlogging
  • fertilize every two weeks during the growing season
Climbing Philodendron (Philodendron scandens)

A notice: The Philodendron can be particularly good at hydroponics thrive. This is always a good solution for you if you travel often or want to cultivate the plant in an office. The stick that shows the water level in the pot makes watering easier.

cob thread (Aglaonema)

The name, which comes from the Greek, means "magnificent thread". Because the colorful leaves look like they are strewn with threads. The plant is well suited for dark room corners as it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Warm apartments in winter are also perfect.

Cobtail (Aglaonema)
  • Temperatures never below 18° Celsius
  • high humidity desired
  • water once a week
  • Fertilize regularly throughout spring and summer

basket marante (calathea)

The basket marante is characterized above all by its decorative foliage. In addition to green, the leaves are also in Pink or violet patterned. The special thing about the plant is that it rolls up its leaves at night to "sleep". Care is easy:

  • Temperatures between 20° and 25° Celsius preferred
  • water with low-lime water when the soil is superficially dry
  • provide liquid fertilizer regularly during the growing season
Korbmarante calathea network
Coriander (Calathea network)

Tip: If you use liquid fertilizers or long-term fertilizers from the trade for the corresponding plant varieties, then you should For the frequency of fertilization, always pay attention to the corresponding manufacturer information, which differs in each case can.

nest fern (Asplenium nidus)

Since the nest fern originally lives in dense forests, it does not tolerate the sun. So this houseplant is very suitable for dark corners in the room. In addition, it is non-toxic and easy to care for.

Nest fern (Asplenium nidus)
  • always keep sandy to loamy substrate moist
  • humus and nutrient-rich soil preferred
  • Fertilize regularly throughout the growing season

frequently asked Questions

What do I have to consider when designing my urban jungle?

If you want to cultivate all the corners of a room with green plants, to bring urban style to your home then easy-care and robust plants, such as those presented in the list, are suitable became. Hanging, wide and tall growing plants as well as climbing plants should be mixed up here to get the effect of the jungle.

How long can my houseplants be completely in the dark?

When it is very hot in summer, the shutters are lowered in many apartments. However, if there is no more daylight in the room, then it will also be too dark for the indoor plants that prefer dark corners. The room should therefore not be left in complete darkness for longer than a day. The alternative to this is to leave the roller shutters open at least a third so that enough light can enter the room for photosynthesis.

What else needs to be considered when looking for a location for indoor plants?

The green plants usually prefer one too high humidity especially in winter, when the air becomes very dry due to the heating. An automatic air humidifier can help here and improve the room climate not only for the plants. Since most indoor plants do not tolerate drafts well, an appropriate corner should be chosen here or attention should be paid to this when airing out.

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