A little guide from A to Z.

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Are sunflowers annual or perennial?

the Sunflower Helianthus anuus is an annual plant. As soon as the flower has finished blooming, the life of the sunflower is over.

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  • Properly care for sunflowers in the pot
  • Sunflowers are not poisonous, they are even edible
  • Caring for sunflowers properly - this is how it's done!

There are also Sunflower perennialsthat can be kept for several years. However, these are rather small and often have to be overwintered frost-free.

Are sunflowers hardy?

Sunflowers are not hardy. They have to be re-sown every year.

Do sunflowers contain toxins?

No, sunflowers do not contain any in their roots, leaves or stems, or in the flowers Toxins. It is therefore safe to grow sunflowers in the garden or on the balcony, even if children and pets are part of the family.

However, only the kernels of the sunflower are used for the kitchen and for oil production. Since the sunflowers absorb pollutants from the soil, they are often grown as soil improvers.

However, the sunflowers grown in this way are no longer suitable for consumption due to the high level of pollution. This also applies to the cores.

Where can sunflowers be planted anywhere?

You can plant sunflowers in the garden or in the tub on the terrace or on the balcony draw. However, when cared for in a pot, the flowers will not get very tall. It is better to choose small varieties here.

Small varieties are treated with hormones to keep them nice and low. It is better not to use the kernels of these varieties in the kitchen.

What is the best location for sunflowers?

  • As sunny as possible
  • Warm place
  • Sheltered from the wind
  • Moist but well drained soil

As the name suggests, sunflowers are real sun worshipers. The sunnier they are, the more beautiful the flowers will be. Only as Cut flower in the vase the flower does not tolerate direct sunlight well.

What should the earth be like?

Sunflowers are heavy consumers. They need a lot of nutrients. Provide the planting sites with ripe compost or Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) and fertilize Do it regularly once or twice a week.

The flower likes it moist. It must not dry out completely. However, the moisture must not accumulate in the ground. So loosen up too firm soils well before planting.

When is the best time to plant?

From the end of April you can sow sunflowers directly outside. You should not bring forward plants before the end of May plant, as night frosts can still occur until then.

How are sunflowers sown and planted?

The seeds are each three grains about two centimeters deep into the ground in the field or in a pot.

After emergence, the weaker plants are cut off.

Preferred sunflowers plant in the soil so that the root ball is well covered. With large varieties, set up a plant support to which you can tie the sunflower later.

At what distance are the plants planted?

In the field, the planting distance depends on the size of the sunflower variety. A plant spacing of 50 to 70 centimeters is normal. For very small varieties it can be shorter, for giant sunflowers it should be at least one meter.

Should sunflowers be preferred?

It takes some time for the sunflower to develop the first flowers. It is therefore worth sowing the seeds indoors as early as March.

The plants will have a good head start when you plant them out at the end of May.

When is the sunflower blooming time?

the Sunflower flowering time starts in July, with good weather and early flowers even in June. It lasts until October or until the first frost sets in.

When are the sunflower seeds harvested?

Sunflower seeds are ready for harvest in autumn. If possible, leave them on to allow them to mature properly. You should tie a cloth around it to protect it from birds.

You can also use the kernels indoors dry. To do this, hang the flower heads upside down in a not too warm, dry and airy place until they are dry.

How are sunflowers propagated?

Sunflowers are only propagated from seeds. Unfortunately, varieties bought in stores are often hybrids that no longer develop germinable seeds. You have to buy such species every year.

Do sunflowers get along with other plants?

Sunflowers remove a lot of nutrients from the soil, leaving little for other flowers. You should therefore keep sunflowers rather than solitary plants.

Some vegetables do not go well with sunflowers. You should never plant the flowers next to potatoes and tomatoes.

Tips & Tricks

Sunflower cultivation in the garden provides food and shelter not only for birds, but also for other beneficial insects. In addition, the roots of the summer flower improve the soil sustainably when they rot in the soil over winter.

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