The germination time of beans

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What does the germination time depend on?

The germination time depends crucially on two factors:

  • the sowing depth
  • the soil temperature

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  • French beans: germination time, germination temperature and more
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  • What to do if the beans don't germinate

The age of the seeds and the type of bean also have an effect on the germination time. Bean seeds that are several years old can take a little longer to germinate than fresh seeds.

The sowing depth

Depending on the variety, beans should be sown two to three centimeters deep. If they are set too deep, too little light comes to the seeds and they cannot germinate. Pay attention to the information on the seed package. The deeper the bean is sown, the longer it can take for it to germinate.

Soil temperature

The most important factor for the germination time is the soil temperature. Most types of beans need at least 10 ° C to germinate. The warmer the better. At temperatures around 12 ° C, beans take up to 30 days to germinate, at temperatures around 20 ° C, on the other hand, only about 10 days. Therefore, it makes sense to prefer the seeds at home. This way they germinate faster and can be harvested sooner. Find out how to pre-germinate your bean seeds at home


Sowing time

Beans should always be sown or sown after the Ice Saints. be planted out to prevent the seeds or young plants from freezing to death. Young beans die at temperatures below 3 ° C.

What can be the reason if the beans don't germinate?

If your beans are not showing any signs of life, there could be several reasons:

  • The seeds are too old
  • The beans were sown too deep
  • The beans have suffered drought
  • Is it the beans or was it too cold

Learn more about the reasons and what to do if your beans fail to germinate here.

Except for broad beans

Broad beans are an exception: They germinate at temperatures around 5 ° C and can therefore be sown as early as February / March. They germinate after 8 to 14 days, even at low temperatures.


In order to shorten the germination time considerably, you should prepare your bean seeds before the sowing soak in water overnight.

Here you can watch in fast motion how a bean germinates and grows into a small plant:


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