This is how the perfect pruning succeeds

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Parenting cut hedge

With Goldliguster it is usually a living one hedge designed. It must branch out abundantly in order for it to function as a privacy screen. In addition, a thickly leafy wood looks more attractive. Start cutting when you are planting:

  • Gold liguster when planted at approx. Cut back 15 cm
  • then approx. Let it grow 30 cm
  • Cut again as soon as it is about 50 cm high
  • cut back by 5 cm from all sides
  • cut back every four weeks if the growth habit is strong

also read

  • Goldliguster hedge - this is how it is created and cared for
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Parenting cut solitaire

A gold league also achieved as Solitaire Heights from 2 to 3 m. It needs a stable framework and plenty of branching for a nicer crown.

  • raise with 7-12 basic shoots
  • shorten the strongest shoots
  • Remove weak shoots completely
  • slim down new shoots in the following year

Maintenance cuts

From one height of 50 cm, the gold league must get a maintenance cut at least once a year. Two cuts per year are even better, as this wood can grow up to 60 cm annually. Privet hedges in particular can quickly lose their shape without a second cut.

Ideal time

The optimal time for the pruning is at the end of February / beginning of March, even before the gold league starts to sprout again. The second cut should be done in the summer after flowering.

The strong growth may require a third cut in autumn. But this harbors dangers. In this way it will stimulate new growth that does not occur in time hardy and consequently will freeze to death on frosty days.


A cut after flowering prevents the small blue-black berries from ripening. While these are popular with many species of birds. But for us humans and our pets they are poisonous.

Instructions for cutting

  • a disinfected Secateurs use
  • thick branches with a Hedge trimmer(€ 77.00 at Amazon *) cut
  • Cut off dry, broken and frozen twigs
  • remove branches that are growing inwards
  • Shorten the remaining branches to the desired length
  • cut diagonally
  • over an outward going eye


Cut shoots with a length of about 20 cm can to multiply be used. After they have been allowed to take root in the water for weeks, they are planted in autumn.

Trapezoidal shape

If the gold liguster is part of a hedge, it is cut in different widths. It gets narrower and narrower from bottom to top. This trapezoidal shape is ideal because it does not shade the lower branches. This prevents the hedge from becoming bald.

Cut the high trunk

Goldliguster can also be used as a High trunk to be cultivated. The trade already offers refined and trained specimens for sale. The maintenance cuts serve to dense branching and to preserve the round crown shape.