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The best time to plant

Trees and bushes grown in pots or containers can be planted all year round, provided that the root ball is well rooted. On the other hand, trees grown outdoors, regardless of whether they have root balls or bare roots, should only be planted outside of the vegetation phase. It is best to plant deciduous trees in the ground immediately after the leaves have fallen. Plant evergreen deciduous trees as early as possible in autumn so that they can form new roots before winter.

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Planting deciduous trees - instructions

Before planting, the soil must be loosened thoroughly and, if necessary, with compost etc. improve. It is essential that the deciduous trees get into the ground with their roots wet, which is why it is best to put them in a bucket of water beforehand. The soil itself, on the other hand, must not be wet or compacted. It continues as follows:

  • Dig a planting pit that is at least twice the size of the bale.
  • Put the wood in, but not deeper than it was before.
  • Any ball line that may be present is not removed.
  • Mix the excavated soil with compost and fill it in.
  • When treading the soil, be careful not to damage the bale.
  • Water the freshly planted tree vigorously.
  • Cover that Tree grate with organic material.

Pour on vigorously

A watering edge should be created, especially with solitary trees, as this enables targeted watering. After planting, the wood is poured so vigorously that the cavities between the roots are closed. This is the only way to ensure good contact with the soil and prevent them from drying out.

Mulch tree grate to prevent it from drying out

Also the following Mulching with organic material (e.g. bark mulch or lawn cuttings) supports the tree in the formation of new roots. The soil stays moist longer and does not have to be watered as often, the soil can also warm up faster and remains well ventilated.

Tying the tree to a tree stake

A final measure when planting a tree is tying the tree to a stake. This must be driven into the solid ground so that it is stable. Ideally, it is just like the trunk and does not extend into the crown. You can also secure large solitary trees with three tree stakes connected to one another. Use a natural material, for example a sisal rope or a piece of raffia, to tie it.


In the course of planting a Cut back take place.