Propagate Jiaogulan using cuttings

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Best time: spring!

When nature comes to life with the first warm days of the year, it is also the best time for the increase came. Until winter sets in, the cuttings can use the favorable weather and develop into small plants.

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Should the hardy Jiaogulan plant outside in the garden overwintered you have to wait patiently for the new growth so that you can Cut cuttings can. Houseplants that have been wintered warm, on the other hand, remain green all year round.

Cut cuttings

Both shoot cuttings and head cuttings are suitable. However, choose a shoot this year that is not yet lignified.

  • choose a strong, healthy shoot
  • Tip or Cut the tendril at an angle
  • Place the scissors just below the base of the leaf
  • a few leaves should remain on the cutting

If you don't already own an immortal herb, you may know someone who cultivates the creeper. With their vigor, nobody will find it difficult to cut off a cutting for you.


Jaiogulan can also be propagated well by lowering it or dividing it. the sowing on the other hand, provided you have germinable seeds at all, is not recommended for various reasons.

Take root in the glass

Put the cuttings in a glass filled with water. On a warm and light window sill, the cuttings will have roots already after two to three weeks. Wait until they are about 3 cm in length. Only then can you plant the rooted cuttings in small pots.

The soil can be rich in nutrients, which is why you can add something to it if necessary Horn mealfertilize to be allowed to. Also make sure that the pots are perforated and that there is a drainage layer at the bottom.

Plant cuttings immediately

Cuttings of the Jiaogulan plant do not necessarily have to take root in the water glass. They will also take root in a continuously moist substrate. Use commercially available first Potting soil or simple garden soil. Insert the cuttings about 3 cm deep. After about three weeks, when above-ground growth becomes visible, you should transplant the small plants in nutrient-rich soil.

Treatment of the young plants

A young Jiaogulan plant is more sensitive than an adult one. Direct solar radiation must be avoided as much as possible. plants Do not put the plant in the garden until it has become a bit larger and more robust. Give him one partially shaded location. At a young age, it should also be well protected from frost outside.

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