Caring for the orange tree in the home »The most important tips

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Year-round room culture

A year-round room culture is not advisable, as this will damage your orange tree sooner or later. One self-grown young plant should, at least in the first few years, be in the sunniest place by the south window and slowly get used to the summer fresh air culture. Keeping a room is problematic for three reasons:

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  • Cultivating an orange tree in Germany
  • How to properly care for your orange tree
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1. The light intensity is not sufficient indoors

Even if it seems very bright to us humans, an orange feels in the light conditions in many living rooms like in the dead of winter. The sunlight is heavily filtered by the modern multiple glazing and is therefore simply not sufficient in its intensity. Outside, however, the orange tree can stand for hours in the blazing sun - of course, if you get used to it - and so fill up with plenty of light and warmth.

2. Winter quarters are too warm

For reasons of light, oranges need a cool winter break in a cool, but frost-free and bright room. Oranges that are kept as house plants shed their leaves towards the end of winter due to lack of strength. In addition, the weakened plants

often from pests, in particular Spider mites, haunted.

What you should pay attention to in a pure room culture

If you still want to keep an orange tree in indoor culture all year round, you should take the following things to heart:

  • Make sure that the space is light and airy.
  • Avoid drafts.
  • Give your orange tree enough space - the plant will grow quickly to a height of two meters.
  • Do not turn or move the pot too often.
  • Use a spray bottle to ensure a high level of humidity - this will keep the spider mites away.
  • Pour and Fertilize the sapling regularly.
  • On warm and windless days, ventilate the tree from the open window.
  • Provide a cool winter storage.
  • If necessary, provide an additional light source, such as one or more plant lamps.

The plant lamps can burn up to nine hours a day and thus stimulate an optimal day and night rhythm.

Tips & Tricks

If you do not have the opportunity to overwinter your orange tree, you can also give it to your preferred nursery. These often offer a professional wintering service for tropical plants.

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