How to properly care for the tree

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What are the advantages of a bonsai elm?

The habit of an elm fulfills many requirements that make the tree a perfect bonsai plant. The elm is also convincing

  • a dense branch
  • faster foliage formation
  • many small leaves
  • undemanding care

also read

  • Instructions for caring for a bonsai elm
  • Easily cut an elm into a bonsai
  • The Chinese elm in bonsai shape

Care instructions for a bonsai elm

Location requirements

It is best to place your bonsai elm in a sunny spot. A south-facing window sill is ideal. However, it is even more recommendable to keep the deciduous tree outside in the summer months.


In winter, however, you should bring your elm indoors, as it is sensitive to frost. In terms of temperature, the elm is very frugal. It can withstand both cool storage at 8 ° C and room temperature of 22 ° C. As a rule of thumb, the warmer the environment, the higher the light supply should be. Your bonsai elm will even keep its leaves in heated rooms.

Cutting back and maintaining the shape

By regularly thinning out the crown, you will get the bonsai shape of your elm. Young plants in particular need to be pruned early enough so that they can branch out tightly. Only later is it sufficient to simply remove unwanted branches. Let the branches grow to six to eight leaves, then cut them back to two to three leaves.

Even in the bonsai form, elms hardly need to be wired. If you still want to use the technique in a supportive manner, this is possible all year round, provided the branches are not yet completely lignified.

to water

Always let the substrate dry before you water your elm bonsai extensively.


In the growth phase you support your bonsai elm with a 14-day fertilization with a bonsai fertilizer. In winter, limit the addition to once a month.


Repot young bonsai elms every two to three years. By removing the deciduous tree from the pot, it is advisable to make a root cut straight away.