If the Monstera gets light spots: These can be the causes

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What causes and how to treat bright spots on the monstera?

Light spots on the monstera can be caused by improper location, nutrient deficiencies, eyespot, airborne toxins, or spider mite infestations. To reduce staining, lighter locations, Fertilize, remove infested leaves, ventilate or help with pest control.

What do bright spots on the monstera mean?

If you spot light spots on your Monstera, persist for the time being no reason to worry. Nevertheless, it is helpful to know the cause of the staining. At the latest when the spots continue to spread, themselves yellow or dye brown or the plant looks more sickly overall, you should act urgently.

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What can cause bright spots on the Monstera?

The easiest cause of light spots to fix is ​​a wrong location. If the Monstera is too dark, it cannot produce enough chlorophyll and loses its green color in some places. By moving the plant to a lighter shade Location you can no longer reverse the formation of spots, but you can at least stop them from spreading further.

Can the light spots indicate a nutrient deficiency?

Even with one nutrient deficiency the leaves can get bright spots. Through more frequent Fertilize you can fix the defect. But be careful: too frequent fertilizing also damages the plant.

Can the light spots also indicate an illness?

Light spots can also appear on the eyespot disease point out by one fungus is caused. However, the spots are rather dark and have a light border. In this case, you should remove all affected leaves. New leaves usually grow back at the cutting points.

What other causes are possible?

The light spots can also show through toxins in the air be evoked. If the room is smoked, recently painted, or has new furniture, these toxins can also harm houseplants. Therefore, ensure adequate ventilation and consider a change of location.
Also an infestation with spider mites causes light spots. If you also discover spider threads on your Monstera, you should regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Should you pests If you cannot get rid of them in this way, you can spray the leaves with a mixture of water and cooking oil.


In some species, white spots are desired

Monstera Variegata is a subspecies of Monstera deliciosa. More specifically, it is a gene mutation that causes chlorophyll to not be produced in some places. This creates an interesting marbling on the Monstera leaves, a so-called variegation. If you have this Monstera species, the light spots, which can be white or yellow, are desirable and do not indicate a Monstera deficiency.